Urgent help required


Registered User
Feb 27, 2012
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Basically am trying to change the steering wheel.

Got the wheel of and then all this tape stuff which had the connection to the wheel from behind the wheel popped out. It's in a right mess I can't upload a pic as am on me phone.

Do I have to put it back in proper order it feels quite slimy also
Please upload a pic so we can see your problem.
Ok gone past that problem.

However the connector seems different on the fbsw compared to the normal one and doesn't seem to fit

i thought it was straight swap ??
What year a3 do you have? If you already had MF then yes it's a straight swap with no coding but loom is different in FB, the connections are different for the horn but it can me modified to make the horn work.
its a 59 plate

for some reason i cant upload pictures. i can select the picture but the button to submit does not appear
Do I need to buy a new cable or something ?? Or move the cable from the old steering wheel to new one ?

Really need some help on this as car has no steering wheel on at moment and battery is off. Need to try and sort before Monday morning so I can drove to work
You can use your old loom and modify the wiring to make the horn work.
You can use your old loom and modify the wiring to make the horn work.

Can an you tell me which modifications I need to do on the wiring.

Is there a ready made cable which does the job ???
Yes there is it's about £40 from main dealer, it's only for the horn, look at your old and existing loom and work it out from there, it's been a while since I did one so can't remember.
Do you think that cable will be available on eBay ?
Managed to swap over the connecters. However on the old loom there are 3 spade connectors and on the new one there are two.

I Believe these are earth cables so I can plug two in but there is one spare cable left.

Where does this go as there is no space for it to go anywhere !??
Did you get this sorted? Sounds like the tape that came out was your slip ring... If so you'll need to replace it. Not sure about the difference in connectors though.
yes managed to get it sorted on friday. Been away over the weekend so not been able to update

Yes it was the slip ring that came out. managed to get it back on

Looking back it was a easy swap over, just that I was very nervous about it all made it hard for me lol

I swapped the connectors around, the spade connectors did not fit the new airbag. So I cut the ends, popped into Halfrauds and bought some new spade connectors for a £1. Connected the new spades and popped the wheel on.

I took the car for a drive and realised that steering wheels does not stay straight when not touched and falls slightly to the left. Had to take the airbag back of and tighten the steering wheel in the correct position.

Hope this helps anyone who is looking to do the same. Will be selling my old wheel next week

thank you to all those that helped, really appreciated

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