Bluetooth not working with Iphone5


Registered User
Sep 23, 2013
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Hi all,

Has anyone had any problems connecting their Iphone 5's with their bluetooth??? My Iphone 4 worked wonders and then ever since I got the 5 its not even showing, tried it on my other friends phone (which is also a 5) and its not showing on there???

Help please

Oh as far as I know the bluetooth was fitted by Audi so not retrofitted.

Try disabling the iphone BT, shutdown the handset, then do a restart, turn on BT & search again.

If still not showing, try disconnecting the battery on the car momentarily say 5 minutes, ignore any lights on the dash when driving afterwards, they go of after driving a short distance, then reconnect & search again.

I've always found the Iphone BT flaky at the best of times on various versions.

How olds the Car?
Although its an older BT module in the car, it should pickup fine, if not try another iphone, if still not working, then I could upgrade the module to the latest version that fully supports the I5.
Ahhh right, well when I get home I'll try my dads Nokia phone and see if that works as well! Weird!

How much does it cost for the upgrade if thats what it is??
the Cars BT is only visible for a few seconds after you turn the ignition on - after a set time it switches off and your phone won't see it! you have to tun the ignition off,then on again if you miss it.
It should show up for longer than a few seconds tbh guys.
Reactions: Artimus
Mine picked up the i5 straight away and mines 2007. The cars bluetooth is visible for a good 15-20mins at least.
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Reactions: Artimus
Isn't it adjustable via VCDS???

I'm almost sure mine's set for something like 20-30 secs before shutting off! But then I have a Parrot H\U and no longer use the Audi system, so I haven't checked it.
How do you go into the settings of the bluetooth?? Cant find anything in the car!! My iphone broke the same day I posted so not been able to try it! Sods law!!
Finally got it to work, had to find it in the 1st 60 seconds of turning on! Flipping heck, somthing so simple!!!
Reactions: Artimus
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