

hmmmmm interesting.
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
UK, South
Dear all,

Has anyone got one. Which make is best - any personal experiences would be welcome.

Thiving gets have tried twice to steal my S3.

i work in a hospital.

damm car parks are a crime hotspot. Both times i was late for work and had to park at the bottom of a car park in the dark. Both times smashed car window.

Nothing expensive stolen - nothing left inside to steal (I learnt that one when i had a crappy 106)
The Audi recommended make is Tracker at but i don't think any of their products send a signal to you/your phone if your car is only broken into, they either activate when you report the car stolen or if the whole car is moved.
I have one and its a waste of money in my opinion.

It doesnt tell you if the car is broken into though so i dont know what you would gain.

S3's are difficult to steal without the key unless they uplift it.

Oh and the trackers dont advertise that they are fitted to a vehicle so it isnt even a deterrent (spell?)
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