decisions... uprated smic or a cheap fmic


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
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As per the title really, would I be better off gettig an uprated smic or a cheap fmic kit off eBay?
No remap as yet, might get a k03s hybrid and shoot for 250bhp but probably just a standard k03s and be happy with about 200bhp
cant make you intake too cold mate especially if you want more power... colder intakes equals more power aswell anyhow!-) go fmic you wont regret it... i done the welly cooler on my s3 for 220 quid all in and fitted it in a day on my own easy...
Well cooler? Isn't my agu intake on a different side to the s3's?
Yeah, jus a comparison mate, you will get one around the same cost... have a look in the stickys and see what the other fwd lads are doing if you want exact parts and write ups, thats what I did!-)
Are the standard side mounted inter coolers really that lame? I know loads of people that go the FMIC route so just wondering why Audi would go through all the expense and complications of connecting up two small side mounted ones? Is it just a space saving thing?
S3's have one each side, my a3 just has one on the drivers side
audi designed them to run at a max of 180bhp (leons, 180 tt, and golf anniversary) so when you start uping boost they become less efficient... guess you would think if 1 smic is good for 150 bhp according to audi... 2 should be good for 300 really???

proofs in the pudding tho, bill and all them have done multiple tests measuring intake temps and they sky rocket when you start adding boost and hp. heat is bad! soooo as we all know cooler intake temps means denser air which means more air in the cylinder and a bigger explosion which equals more power... and cool intake air gives less heat soak and more reliability.... pheew!-)

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