Has anybody actually had confirmation of Sepang being a MY15 colour from Audi UK? Or is all this based on what a dealer in Australia said?
Has anybody actually had confirmation of Sepang being a MY15 colour from Audi UK? Or is all this based on what a dealer in Australia said?

I rang Audi UK yesterday about this.
Still waiting for a call back.
Has anybody actually had confirmation of Sepang being a MY15 colour from Audi UK? Or is all this based on what a dealer in Australia said?

It comes up on the dealers system here in Australia, so I'm guessing it would only be a matter of time when it's the same in the UK, plus the new S1 has Sepang Blue as a standard colour too.
I spoke to the dealer who I've ordered with and he confirmed that there will definatley be a change to the optional colours and any change wont happen until MY15 - week 22.
He said that he had spoken to Audi UK (yesterday afternoon) to confirm what colour changes will happen and he said that Audi UK had commented that they are unable to confirm at this stage what colour will replace Estoril. His opinion was that it would likely be Sepang or possibly Sprint - but Audi UK were not in a position to confirm this - as of yesterday afternoon.

Be interested in what the formal response is from Audi - if they give you one.

I'm sticking with Monsoon - as to change will mean ordering in May and waiting another 12-16 weeks - I cant wait that long I need the car NOW.
Reactions: ABYSS

Ive got a nice white S3 sport back you can run til youre new Sepang Blue car arrives Paul
B***er ... i had to take Estoril but would have much prefered having Sepang which was my first choice from the start - this is disgusting what Audi have done
Scuba blue could be classed as a close enough replacement though and keep sepang for RS / exclusive only.
Had confirmation from Newcastle Audi today.

Estoril no longer available to order on S3, S3 SportBack or S3 Saloon.

Nothing in terms of a replacement as yet.

to be honest we probably know more than the dealers! lol
Reactions: j0nny2013
This is very strange as I see Estoril being available on all other countries' Audi website configurators except Even the German Audi website shows it as available.

Sepang is nice but it's very different than Estoril which I find to be quite discreet. IMHO Sepang blue is slightly wilder than what many people would like.

Yes, colour is on of those personal taste things, some will be glad that Sepang Blue is now on offer vs Estoril Blue and the opposite being true too. They definitely should have more colour options as standard.

Not surprised as I didn't think the colour was that great
Ok so if you had an F430 would you just stick it into the nearest body shop and hope for the best? .....No I thought not, it's a reasonable bet that they do a good job if they are painting that type of car and its the type of place I would use.

not necessarily - one near me in Berkshire has mixed reviews
Based on the number of Estoril orders in the register you appear to be in the minority there.

could be viewed purely as good marketing. lets face they made loads of money out of us by charging a premium for this "exclusive" paint which costs them naff all extra to make
And yet you yourself paid extra for Misano Red...

Personally I like Estoril - I wasn't going to spec it until I actually saw it, then I changed my mind.
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