Anyone using German style number plates on their A4?


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Dec 25, 2011
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I know i know they don't conform to UK regs but would using German style number plates land me with a huge fine if i was to be stopped by a copper or would i just get a slap on the wrist? I read somewhere that you can confuse the coppers by stating the font is EU legal...though i may be pushing it by using a D instead of GB. Would love to hear from those who've been using them without any problems. I'm thinking of getting these from (direct from Germany):



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possible 3 points, £60 fine. You would be better off buying Ali pressed plates - UK legal
possible 3 points, £60 fine. You would be better off buying Ali pressed plates - UK legal

Thanks fella, yeah that's what i'm dreading the most...points on my licence :( I'm really after the German font number plates but i guess the (high?) risk of fine and/or points isn't worth it :(
I ran these on my M3 for about a year.

Got pulled twice so got rid as I didn't want to lose my private plate.

The plate was "M3 0WND" so was mis-spaced too.

Looked pretty cool though and got lots of attention, just happened the police didn't like it as much.

£60 fine each time but no endorsements.
That just looks like trouble on a plate, if you'll pardon the pun.

Why invite points and a fine for nothing more than a cosmetic tweak?
Danny-boy, did you have D or GB on your german style plates?
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D mate, with the tax / insurance stickers between the 3 and 0.

Full legal german jobbies.
iv had legal pressed before, but im the same i fancy the german font, not to bothered about the D but i like the german font much better.

i was tempted and have seen a white A5 driving around my area with them on and looks great.
Why you would want to risk getting pulled by the police for the sake of a style of reg´plate...Is it really worth the hassle and possibility of points on your licence and money oot yer pocket. I like the idea of the pressed steel UK plates...seen them on a few and they look pretty smart! Up here, the plates are 60quid for two standard ones and you can only get them from the transport department.

After a lot of dilly-dallying, i've decided to go for German plates HOWEVER i need to choose a plate design which minimises the risk of getting stopped by a copper. The plate design in my first post will almost certainly get me stopped so now considering the following alternatives:

The logic behind the second design is that any copper seeing this will presume its a genuine German registered car...that's assuming his eyes don't wander to check which side the steerings on LOL

Decisions, decisions, decisions!
I've got German style on my a4. With the D also. Been stopped twice and just a quiet word of advice. Both have said they have seen worse and it would be harsh to hand a ticket out for em. But was advised to get some road legal ones.
In the end went for German pressed plates without the 'D'. Had them on for a couple of months now and not had any problem from the old bill (touch wood)....however the plates confuse the hell out of the camera (ANPR?) at my local car shows my number plate as GF????LB
Got them from Germany, not the cheapest but the quality is top notch and were delivered within a few days.
Pressed metal reg plates - Plate My Ride - German style plates

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Always preferred pressed. As stated above probably not worth the hassle, having a German logo may cause an upraised police eyebrow, then again pressed plates do too sometimes.

EDIT: only just realised you've got them now haha, lookin' good, what's the logo in the middle? That's probably what screws the camera's (although that can only be a good thing right haha)
EDIT: only just realised you've got them now haha, lookin' good, what's the logo in the middle? That's probably what screws the camera's (although that can only be a good thing right haha)
The logos in the middle are german road tax and place of registration stickers LOL
Nice, looks like it's just got back from Germany as the plate holder's German too haha. If the police stop you start talking German and hope they go away.
They look good but I reckon you'll end up having trouble with em, you shoulda gone with the 1st example in post #14. Think you'd have more chance of getting away with that. Keep us updated as to how long you last!
You'll definitely get picked up by the Police when reg plates are on their priority list (which they do from time to time). You'll get a notice to replace them and possibly a fine.

Because the ANPR can't pick them up they'll be more likely to grab you.
Because the ANPR can't pick them up they'll be more likely to grab you.

Which also means that were your car ever to get stolen, it wouldnt flag up as "stolen" when it passed an ANPR equipped police car - - so they wouldn't go a-chasing.