The great interior debate...

Now you're being deliberately obtuse. Of course they said negative things about the car in general. Most of them did - even What Car? who gave it their car of the year. The point is that they were all unison in their praise for the interior. It was in aspects such as driving experience, practicality (3 door) and exterior looks where the reviews planted their negativity. I've not found a single review that didn't praise the interior, whether a 3/5 or a 5/5 review.

I have quoted the reviews in relation to their opinions on the interior as, after all, this is a debate about the interior.
Don't bite gents. He's not here to discuss the a3 or the golf. He's here just to wind people up, which is becoming increasingly obvious the more ludacris his posts get. Like i said before ignore him and he will go away
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Those reviews, and indeed all of the reviews I have read pretty much say the same thing: How good the new A3 is.

That's my point.

I'm unsure exactly what it is your trying to find wrong with the A3. If you don't like it, well, don't don't like it. But seriously stop looking for someone to agree with you; just buy the vehicle that you do like.

There's no need to get so upset- it's only a car. I'm not looking for someone to agree with me about the interior- there's plenty of people on this forum already who agree. There is no vehicle anyone would be 100% happy with, it's about give and take. I took my family to see the A3 this weekend and they all commented on how ''retro'' it looked- not in a positive way. But how nice the exterior looked. These were their own words, not mine. I'm sorry you feel upset by anyone offering an opinion that differs from yours, but that's just what I've done in this thread, offered my opinion of the interior, which is what this thread is about. From people's reactions, you'd think I killed their grandmother or something. When a person gets so upset about someone else's opinion, it raises the question how much reassurance they need with their own.

The Golf VII get similarly great reviews, no one's slagging it off here though, or diseminating it looking for something wrong are they?
No one's slagging off the A3, forums are here for debate. There are identical thread(s) over on the VW forum, but no one there feels so unsure of themselves that they have to get upset. VW and Audi are owned by the same company; there is no competition here, we're just looking to buy a car, so please stop getting so upset.
Just for the record; no one's getting upset, least of all me. All I'm saying is if you like the car, go buy one.
And you're quite right; no car is perfect, i've had a few that came close though to be sure...
I think if I could stretch to Misano Red and the Tech Pack though; I think my next car just might be! :rock:

For me I wasn't sure about the A3 interior when I first saw as it was so radically different to the current one. However, having experienced it and lived with it for a couple of days I have to say it's revolutionary and has me hooked... And I was going BMW three weeks ago.

One quick thing I will say though which is a negative; I wish they'd made the Black Styling Pack available, I really do not like all that chrome...
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Don't bite gents. He's not here to discuss the a3 or the golf. He's here just to wind people up, which is becoming increasingly obvious the more ludacris his posts get. Like i said before ignore him and he will go away

I'm not here to wind anyone up, but it's obvious from your posts that you're intending to wind me up and/or bully me into silence the same way you've done to others- but I'm afraid it's not going to happen. This thread is about the interior, and I've offered my opinion. That doesn't mean to say I dislike the car- if I did, we'd have crossed it off our list. We're still considering it. If you feel so wound up or unable to tolerate opinions that differ from yours, it raises the question how much reassurance you need with your own.
One quick thing I will say though which is a negative; I wish they'd made the Black Styling Pack available, I really do not like all that chrome...

I agree, but it would be a lot more tolerable if it truly were chrome and not chrome colour painted plastic :puke2:
...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... .......
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I give up.

I tried to explain I wouldn't be bullied into silence like other forum members have - if you just accept that different people have different opinions, there'd be no need to give up. At the end of the day it's only a car, no need to feel personally aggrieved when someone has a different opinion, if the world all agreed it would be a very boring place! Just accept it and be happy
I love how he ignored my cogent explanation of the quotes I posted purely because it didn't suit his argument and/or trolling.

To repeat. The reviews weren't wholly praising of the car in its totality - some called the driving experience uninspiring, some said the exterior styling was bland - but all were unanimous and vehement in their praise of the interior. Point to the integrity and honesty of the reviews all you like but it only serves to unravel your argument. Bullied into silence??!? You're a modern-day, motor-vehicular Mandela... fight the power brother Bob.
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I tried to explain I wouldn't be bullied into silence like other forum members have - if you just accept that different people have different opinions, there'd be no need to give up. At the end of the day it's only a car, no need to feel personally aggrieved when someone has a different opinion, if the world all agreed it would be a very boring place! Just accept it and be happy

I truly hope you don't think i'm bullying you in any way. I've been called some things like w**ker and b**tard over the years but thankfully never bully and I'm not about to start. I just assumed you wanted thought provoking debate as mentioned in your earlier comments?
I truly hope you don't think i'm bullying you in any way. I've been called some things like w**ker and b**tard over the years but thankfully never bully and I'm not about to start. I just assumed you wanted thought provoking debate as mentioned in your earlier comments?

not you specifically, but it's obvious that some on here are.
I love how he ignored my cogent explanation of the quotes I posted purely because it didn't suit his argument and/or trolling.

To repeat. The reviews weren't wholly praising of the car in its totality - some called the driving experience uninspiring, some said the exterior styling was bland - but all were unanimous and vehement in their praise of the interior. Point to the integrity and honesty of the reviews all you like but it only serves to unravel your argument. Bullied into silence??!? You're a modern-day, motor-vehicular Mandela... fight the power brother Bob.

I didn't ignore it, I've been out busy in the real world. :faint: You want me to respond now?

I'm sorry you need to ridicule others to feel better about yourself.
Hi all

I haven't posted before but I've been reading the forum for a few weeks while I wait for my car - a specced out s-line sportback. Will be picking up on the 20 March. Can't wait.

Thanks for all the info I've picked up on the forum. Really helpful for me as this is my first audi and its great to see a balanced set of views together with lots of excited people also looking forward to their cars.

However, this thread just demanded that I stop lurking and post my thoughts. As others have said, clearly Bob must be on a wind up mission so don't let him yank your chain. His posts in this thread and the others he springs up on the hour are bizarre to say the least. To say the A3 has a poor interior is completely ridiculous. I've read every review on the 3 door and the sportback and not a single one makes a negative comment about the interior - all praise it - although most suggest the exterior styling is conservative. This has also been demonstrated clearly with a recent post quoting the various reviews. However - apparently according to Bobby this is just a classic example of car reviewers praising a car for no reason. Strange that - perhaps Wilson is not that aufait with car reviews as most you read love to slag a car off to within an inch of its life. It's truly a strange thing to find a car as universally praised as the new A3.

To add some perspective, I've also sat in all the cars of this class and there is no comparison. The only car to my mind that comes close in terms of interior is the v40 R design but that's let down by the full number pad Volvo put in there for some strange reason.

I was really enjoying this forum but since Bob's contribution it's sadly gone downhill. We all like debate but a sense of reality is important surely!
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Hi all

I haven't posted before but I've been reading the forum for a few weeks while I wait for my car - a specced out s-line sportback. Will be picking up on the 20 March. Can't wait.

Thanks for all the info I've picked up on the forum. Really helpful for me as this is my first audi and its great to see a balanced set of views together with lots of excited people also looking forward to their cars.

However, this thread just demanded that I stop lurking and post my thoughts. As others have said, clearly Bob must be on a wind up mission so don't let him yank your chain. His posts in this thread and the others he springs up on the hour are bizarre to say the least. To say the A3 has a poor interior is completely ridiculous. I've read every review on the 3 door and the sportback and not a single one makes a negative comment about the interior - all praise it - although most suggest the exterior styling is a conservative. This has also been demonstrated clearly with a recent post quoting the various reviews. However - apparently according to Bobby this is just a classic example of car reviewers praising a car for no reason. Strange that - perhaps Wilson is not that aufait with car reviews as most you read love to slag a car off to within an inch of its life. It's truly a strange thing to find a car as universally praised as the new A3.

To add some perspective, I've also sat in all the cars of this class and there is no comparison. The only car to my mind that comes close in terms of interior is the v40 R design but that's let down by the full number pad Volvo put in there for some strange reason.

I was really enjoying this forum but since Bob's contribution it's sadly gone downhill. We all like debate but a sense of reality is important surely!

There are almost no bad reviews of the mk7 golf either. That doesn't mean to say there are no bad points about the golf. And even if there is a bad review, it doesn't mean to say everyone will agree -each to their own. Lets face it, there is a difference of opinion about the interior of the A3, otherwise the OP wouldn't have started this thread entitled "the great interior debate" - and if you're sensitive about it, why are you here reading it?

I don't like the interior of the A3, it's clearly retro styling, trying to be like something from the 70s. This is fine for fiat500's and Mini's but in my opinion, Audi's are clean contemporary cars, and the interior should reflect this - i.e. clean lines, not round plastic air vents. Now, before any more people get upset, there are many reviews that describe the new A3 interior as "retro" (e.g. "decisively retro look")... and plenty more. Also, the fact that many other people on this forum have also posted the same reservations about the interior, shows that I am not alone on this.

The idea that you'd stop enjoying a forum just because someone holds a different opinion to yourself, is rather sad. Yes, you've just ordered one - and I possibly might too- I'm waiting for the real thing to arrive at my dealer to do an unaccompanied test drive. However, I won't be upset if my nextdoor neighbour decides he doesn't like the look of my car.

To suggest that anyone who doesn't share your opinion must have no sense of reality, is rather ironic. If you can't tolerate any difference of opinion to your own, your life must be very stressful indeed.
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Please don't order an A3 Blob, if you get a Monday car we'll never hear the end of it!
What's a monday car? We would be ordering S line Sportback, keyless entry, adaptive xenons, highbeam assist, electric seats with memory function, adaptive cruise control, lane assist, side assist, tech pack, arrive home lighting, interior lighting pack. Ideally we wanted the Dynamic light assist, but understand this might not be available in UK. Also, there's a question mark over whether the seat memory is available in UK.
Bob, no offence - but you've declared your dislike for the interior many, many times now. Fully respect it's your opinion, but I suspect what is rubbing other forum members up the wrong way is your repeated statements of dislike for certain aspects of it. This is primarily an Audi forum, and in the case of the latest A3 this is a brand new model. The majority of members here who own one will have bought it from new because they liked it enough to part with the cash - it's no surprise that there won't be many criticisms just yet.

I think throughout the next few months you'll start to see some genuine niggles and complaints appear as people report their experience with the car, but asking for negative experiences so early on is bound to result in some short replies.

Hopefully you will be able to get a good test drive in both the Golf and the A3 Sportback after the launch event, and then you can let us know what your thoughts are.
And there's that word again, 'many' reviews have called it retro yet he can source but one. It's not your argument that irks me bob, but the attitude with which you present it. Welcome to the forum, you've made quite an impression...
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Hats off to him. He's clearly here trolling and he's got most of you eating out of his hands. Well done bob you've certainly achieved your mission to get under everyones skin
I agree with Quimbaby. I came on here for advice on an A3 I've ordered, my first foray into Audi.

Whatever the truth is, Bob's posting style comes across as a precocious teenager who is trying hard to wind others up. Most of those on this forum have spent a huge amount of money on a car and to some extent are looking for affirmation that they've made a good choice. Bob just seems to want to denigrate that choice as much as he can. In the past day he has criticised the interior, the salesmen, the dealerships, the aluminium trim, the engines, the acceleration, the configurator and no doubt more that I haven't bothered reading.
All these responses about not wanting to be bullied and people not willing to hear other points of view just come across in my opinion, as a totally transparent attempt at Internet trolling.
It would have been quite nice and useful to be part if an ownership community, but I just feel that it's become a bit of a playground and while that's probably where Bob is at home, I grew out if that 30 years ago.
Good luck all with your A3s and I hope your parents enjoy whatever they end up with Bob
I must admit, sat in traffic last night I did sort of feel like I was stuck in an episode of Life on Mars, given the awfully retro styling in the A3, I miss the clean lines. I was also very angry that the air vent surrounds were not solid magnesium.

I'm going to go and buy a Golf because it's the last word in contemporary elegance.*

*All of the above may be ********
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Just found this !


  • image.jpg
    3.5 KB · Views: 211
I'm amazed at the negative comments about the A3 interior. Its a masterpiece in my opinion and far and away the best finished on a car at this price, Hell I would say it beats that of the A6. The great unwashed seem to equate a decent interior with lashings of knobs and buttons everywhere. Perhaps they should look at the Vauxhall Astra instead its dashboard is plastered with them.