My Car Mods Begin :)

What exhaust is that? How does it compare to the Miltek do you know, sound/performance? Looks fantastic

Bcs powervalve with the extra carbon tips, no not yet haven't fitted it going to next Saturday hopefully will report back when it's on I'll get some vids up.

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It's been a long, long wait as I was unfortunate to order it just before there shut down for there refurb..... but boy was it worth it!

That looks the absolute nuts mate, can't wait to see it on! I'll be going for the Carbon tips as well when the time comes for my BCS.
Reactions: Ben2487
So arranged with my friend to use the pit at his work last nite to fit my long and awaited exhaust!

The old exhaust was by of struggle to get out the standard down pipe is a lot larger with the cat which makes its difficult to undo and get out that and the fact the pit is a lorry pit so under a car your slightly squatting which after about 10 minutes becomes very uncomfortable!

So onto my review of the exhaust I'm not just saying this because other people like these. I would say I'm bit of a perfectionist so with this power valve exhaust I am giving my own personal honest opinion.
Well I'll start with the looks the carbon tips look amazing and the positioning it spot on, the heat wrap is also a very tidy job it's a lot harder to fit than it looks so glad they could so it's worth the extra.
There are probably very few people who actually fit the exhaust themselves either have powervalve make and fit them or take them to a garage so only when fitting this exhaust it's then your appreciate the quality and engineering of the exhaust is second to none, even my mechanic friend was impressed with how well it was made and as we discussed last people think they are a lot of money but compared to a full bike system is about £1400 and is a third of the size it really isn't that expensive or like he said a lorry exhaust is £7k so between materials and the design stage I wouldn't class this expensive but more of a bargain. Everything fitted extremely well it all went together easy, it all lines up perfect and everything is how it's suppose to not like a lot of aftermarket exhausts which tend to be nightmare to fit. So as far as quality an easy 10/10.

Onto the actual powervalve its self.. what a great idea I live on street with mainly retired people so my bike is enough to annoy them on a Sunday morning so didn't want a car to annoy them if I was to come home after 8pm. The car is no louder at all over Oem with the valve closed which is good I can still drive my family in it without it sounding like a cherry bomb all the time. So drove the car up the road for the first time and put my foot down then the valve opened and the smile just got bigger on my face that's the only thing that let the car down was the noise for 335bhp car it was too quite, it sounds amazing not to much but just enough it's safe to say I love it!

So any one thinking of buying Bcs powervalve go for it you won't be dissaponted!

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Reactions: HHS3, leshkin and S3Alex
Glad you are as impressed as I am with the quality of BCS' work.

I still haven't heard what mine sounds like,as the car is still in bits,but the quality is excellent.
Just a quick video my friend filmed as I dropped him off, his words were "the video doesn't do it justice it sounds like a jet passin the house"

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Reactions: HHS3 and laita
Can't wait for mine, anticipation is just killing me

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So not finding the time to get the clutch sorted I decided to go back to get the 98ron map uploaded on my current stage 1+ and test pipes file to turn off my engine warning light due to the exhaust, previously running 335bhp done a run as it was with the exhaust and intercooler installed and that alone had made it increase to 348bhp which was looking good mainly down to the much less restrictive exhaust. Then uploaded the 99ron file and made a very good 360bhp at stage 1+. The knock issue I had previous had completely gone wen still running the 95ron but it does pull timing a touch on this new map obviously the plugs has helped but not totally eliminated any premature denotation either that or the knock sensor is slightly over sensitive so I'm goin to get that changed and look at finding the problem he said it's not pulling it much but I'd rather try and prevent it. I was told by the APR dealer to use Tesco momentum as after testing proves to be the highest Ron and the move so much fuel seem to be the freshest but I'm considering trying something else. I'm more than likely goin to buy the APR dongle which what the tuner uses to log everything that way I can keep an eye on everything.

So mentioned this on Facebook last nite and the amount of muppets arguing with me the car is stage 2+ is hilarious I was there I watched the guy click the stage 1+ 98Ron file but apparently it 100% stage 2+ running on a broken dyno! One bloke kindly gave me a Facebook dyno reading of about 310bhp

As I told them all the car made 276bhp on the standard map with the revo intake and hpfp which probably isn't far off so it can't be that bad plus it's a dyno dynamics rolling road which is suppose to be one of the better one and it was a four wheel dyno so not increasing power by only running through two wheels, the thing is I've had it when I had bluefin -300bhp APR 335bhp and now APR 360 and I can feel the difference in every map. I'm not sure what the difference is on the stage 2+ map whether it's just slightly more boost or not but I can't imagine what they'll say when I quote those figures! Haters goin hate I suppose I'm more than happy for now...

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That's what's happens when you run stage 2 hardware on stage 1 map I think good hardware plays a very big role in figures

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When I went to APR 1+ it made 324.4 BHP and 343 ft lbs. the BHP came to a peak at 5620 rpm and the tuner said that the standard air box was strangling it at high revs. Standard exhaust too.
I fitted a Neuspeed P Flo intake and added the APR downpipe and had the APR flash to 2+
BHP went up to 369 and torque to 379 ft lbs. Tuner said standard catback might be holding me back.
Since than I have fitted the Revo intake as another tuner said the Neuspeed was restrictive. Also had the RS4 valve fitted and the R8 coil packs so hopefully the figures will be higher still. No intention of putting it on the rollers to find out though! Whilst others may disagree, the coil packs did appear to improve pick up af low revs and the tick over is certainly smoother. The car relentlessly revs to the limiter.
Looking at the 2 graphs, the torque trace differs quite a lot between the 2 stages
At stage 1+ max torque was reached at 3940 rpm. At stage 2+ the engine is at or above this figure from about 3700 to about 5600 rpm. So the torque is higher and spread out over a bigger rpm range.
I might be disappointed if a stage 2+ APR was 360 BHP. I just looked on the GoApr site and I cannot find a 99 ron map, only 98 and 104. Please can you post a link?
Sorry it's the 98ron map and I'm running 99ron fuel well I'm certain I'll make more at stage 2 I've some claiming as much as 390 with water meth APR 2+ but I think that is a little ambitious my torque peaks at spool up then levels out to another raise in torque around 5000rpm that's the main difference on this new 98 map my torque is about 340ft/lbs which I assume will raise on stage 2+. I could of put the stage 2+ map on yesterday but I want to fit my clutch and rs4 frv and also purchase both charge and discharge pipes first and possibly rfd

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So the torque is sort of matching my old 1+. Add the stage 2+ and it will really fly as the torque (acceleration) goes up.
I would be interested to hear about fitting the wider inlet pipe from the intercooler. I have read that some people have trouble with it touching the fans.
Yea I think it's going to be extremely tight as the Wagner cooler is thinker pushing the fans back more. I'll keep everyone updated when I purchase and fit them but it's not a job I'm looking forward too. I wish I had done them when I had the front end off!

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Seems very strange to me as well tbh , my car has all the hardware on apart from rfd and Niki put his stage 2+ map on , the car made 360 bhp and 390 lb t , I have since changed the Neuspeed to the Revo which will of helped .I already have the Rs4 valve as well , it seems amazing that you have got 360 on stage 1+ to me if I am honest .
Reactions: paul1754

Hi Micheal you seen niki's reply on fb the power seems to be down to the hardware and the software just compliments it, I guess your intake and cats must be of been restricting you at the time and my Wagner intercooler must of helped me a touch.

Stage 1+ isn't heard of much and I had never heard of it until I was scrolling through Apr's website, with stage 2+ it's probably only minor tweaks over stage 1+ most of it is probably keeping the torque down which I'm glad as it won't kill my clutch.

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Every time I gain power though I'm amazed how much everything suffers brakes get a touch worse, suspension seems softer! I'm glad I've done the brakes and suspension tho as it would be quite scary with standard ones! Another thing I've noticed is how seriously rubbish the Yokohama parada spec 2 are in the wet!! It's stepping the back of the car out when I put my foot down or I can feel it sliding on any painted lines or markers quite scary at times! Not ideal tyre choice for winter

On the plus side I was keepin with an Rs3 8v today for a bit but it was so much water spray I had to back off plus my confidence in these tyres is 0

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It's a natural progression you uprate one part of the car,the others begin to show their limitations,and the S3's shortcomings are mainly handling,brakes and suspension,but even uprated gear gets pushed as the power goes up.

The Paradas aren't great in my opinion,and the R888R are much better in the wet than you'd give them credit for.
They won't tolerate hard driving in monsoon conditions,but on a mildly wet road(!),you'd be surprised.
Hi Ben

Yep seen all the replies lol , I am fully with you on the hardware , this is the main reason I had it all done before going to Niki in the first place , I think it's my 390lb torque that I should be pleased about in all honesty , when Niki put my car on the rollers pre map it made nearly 290 bhp so that just proves how all the extra hardware was working , I had already bought the spec stage 2+ clutch so that allowed Niki to max the car out torque wise and like you it puts a huge smile on my face every time I drive it , I am now considering doing away with the BCS sport cat and going catless , fitting RFD and then next year tte480 , enjoy the car Ben .
Reactions: Ben2487
Haven't done any more to the car apart from put the standard wheels back on for winter and the fact the tracking was so far out on the back after I removed the arms it went through a set of brand new tyres in less than three months just never got round to doing it! It's been done now and I'll run the standard wheels until march time give me a chance to give the bola's a good clean and looking at ceramic coating them.

I was chuffed that I got the wheels on over my brakes and saves me buying spacers and I can swap them as and when I like.

Only other thing that put a smile on my face was an 8v Rs3 that followed me onto the dual carriage way and tried passing me I think he was very disappointed when he couldn't. Not bad APR stage 1+ can't wait to get my clutch in and and go stage 2+.

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