Scuttle Panel Sealing

sideways steve

Registered User
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
Paisley, Scotland
Further to my post about a leaking car.....

I took the plastic scuttle panel out last night (beneath the windscreen) to check the drain holes were not clogged up with leafs etc.

They were clear, however i noticed that the pollen filter was soaking wet and that the water has been coming in though there. It seems to be running down the window and onto the filter which then obviously allows it to come down through the vents.

I noticed that there is a plastic strip along the bottom edge of the window with a slot in it and that it appears that the scuttle panel should clip into this which would prevent water running down from the window however mine doesnt seem to clip in properly.

Anyone had this issue ?
Yes, this cost me an ECU. The clear part of the scuttle where the chassis number is located was split, and the scuttle was not sealed onto the window. Add a car wash and there you go, my ecu was swimming! Cost me around £600 in parts, that was with discount as I work in a VW dealership with TPS next door.
My new scuttle still doesn't press all the was into the groove, I'm contemplating silicon sealing if down.
i havent checked mine but i know that if i am travelling quickly without the heating on then the windscreen mists up on the passenger side, maybe a damp/wet pollen filter?
Yes, this cost me an ECU. The clear part of the scuttle where the chassis number is located was split, and the scuttle was not sealed onto the window. Add a car wash and there you go, my ecu was swimming! Cost me around £600 in parts, that was with discount as I work in a VW dealership with TPS next door.
My new scuttle still doesn't press all the was into the groove, I'm contemplating silicon sealing if down.

Hi Scotty, how did it manage to fry the ECU as that is located in the centre of the screen and is mounted high up and at an angle so surely the water would just run off the cover of it ?
The water had been running through the windscreen / scuttle gap, and through the split clear chassis number clear bit.
As for how it actually got in, the ecu connectors were spoken and when we removed the ecu, it was like pouring a kettle, it was literally swimming.
We think that the water ran along the wiring to the ecu and straight in through the connectors at the ecu. It was a complete nightmare :(
Bear in mind this happened after I has put the car through a car wash, so lots of water ha ha.
could this be why everytime i go car wash or it rains heavily my electrics go a bit crazy for a few days with my hid'sflicking on and off and my stereo turning off on hard bass notes as it's fine any other time
Hi what is the process for removing the plastic scuttle? Is it smething worth bit of preventative maintenance on or best left alone.
Mines never sealed properly since I routed my boost gauge hose. Not had any issues yet.

Keep reminding myself to sort it but I don't want to make it any worse than it is. Is the problem the scuttle? Or the plastic groove along bottom of the window?
mine is the same, im thinking of replacing it, does anyone know how much they are?

im worried i'll get a new one and it still wont fit, i suppose it will just need siliconed in if thats the case but at least the vin number panel won't be falling appart

I had this issue on my A3 a few years ago.

The windscreen was cracked and replaced under insurance (AutoGlass).

Audi (MILTON KEYNES) serviced it and managed to pull the scuttle out while doing the pollen filter and couldn't get it back in properly so just left it loose.

It rained and my passenger footwell filled up with water. (came in through the pollen filter)

Took it back to Audi (MILTON KEYNES) and told them they made it leak. They said they'd look at it, told me the windscreen was fitted incorrectly and charged me £30 as a diagnostic fee.

AutoGlass said the scuttle wasn't fitted properly by Audi when they did the service and wasn't their problem.

I called my insurance company.
AutoGlass fitted a new windscreen.
I've never had any work done at Milton Keynes Audi since then.

The scuttle on my S3 doesn't fit properly, I have a crack in the windscreen and it's also a bit crooked. (seems like a common problem sigh) I'm going to get a new scuttle for when the windscreen is replaced.

I think my point is - if the windscreen is fitted properly the scuttle should fit properly and stop water ingress.

My scuttle doesn't clip in in the middle, even though I have cleaned it all out. It doesnt leak however. But it does annoy me. Maybe I'm not pushing it in hard enough. Don't really fancy breaking the windscreen.
My scuttle doesn't clip in in the middle, even though I have cleaned it all out. It doesnt leak however. But it does annoy me. Maybe I'm not pushing it in hard enough. Don't really fancy breaking the windscreen.

same here i tried fitting the scuttle panel 3 times and that didnt go well so ill be just get a new scuttle panel with the groove at the bottom of the windscreen... dont fancy changing my ECU
Could one of you nice chaps with experience of scuttle remove do a quick bullet point "how to remove plastic scuttle"?
many people by the looks of it have a problem with this scuttle panel...
Yes, this cost me an ECU. The clear part of the scuttle where the chassis number is located was split,

Like everyone else, my scuttle lifts in the middle. I hate looking at it, but I've never been bothered to fix it.
However, if my ecu is at risk, I might get on it asap.
Like everyone else, my scuttle lifts in the middle. I hate looking at it, but I've never been bothered to fix it.
However, if my ecu is at risk, I might get on it asap.

ah mate im trying to get it shipped atm from the UK, along with the groove... if your gonna check with Audi can you please tell me the price tag as im quite sure its not cheap :p

my fix today for it as it was ******* down rain was to put black duck-tape in the middle, and near the Vin number... so it held together...

ah and Lorryz if you want mate i can order one for you too if they are "much" cheaper then in Oz and save on shipping i guess? let me know...if your going down that route
I had the same problem, i got a new scuttle panel, went to fit it and it still didn't fit :keule:
it would push into the grove but not clip in, very annoying ..... BUT ..... using a wee screwdriver i levered the grove so that i was pushing it up the windscreen and it moved a wee bit, i did that all the way along and it only moved where it wasn't clipping in.
tried again and it clipped in perfectly and is now as good as new with a nice non broken section for the vin number :o.k:
well i gave audi a call... they said its 184$ AUD here in Oz... roughly 100 pounds lorryz im sure UK would be cheaper
Im sure Germany would be cheaper :p

probably, but Germany usually rips you off on shipping mate... im sure to recieve an email of awesome today and ill know the cost...
I'm coming to Sydney at Christmas ... perhaps I'll buy a scuttle in Oz and take it back to the UK on the plane! Just because I can!

check the groove on the bottom of the windscreen where the panel goes in and make sure the grove is pushed right onto the windscreen. i pushed mine on more and it went on by a few mm and then the scuttle clipped in perfectly
Hi , yeah I saw your screwdriver tip and tried what I think you mean !
( do you close the gap up in the strip on the bottom of the windscreen ? )
if so then I have and still no luck ! Maybe have to close it up some more but I've run out of time today !
Is there any other cause of the wet footwell ? I ask because when I took my scuttle off there wasn't any obvious signs of where the water is getting in ! When I bought the car 2 months ago it was like a forest floor under the scuttle on the drivers side with the amount of leaves which I cleared but it still flippin leaked :0
Hi , yeah I saw your screwdriver tip and tried what I think you mean !
( do you close the gap up in the strip on the bottom of the windscreen ? )
if so then I have and still no luck ! Maybe have to close it up some more but I've run out of time today !
Is there any other cause of the wet footwell ? I ask because when I took my scuttle off there wasn't any obvious signs of where the water is getting in ! When I bought the car 2 months ago it was like a forest floor under the scuttle on the drivers side with the amount of leaves which I cleared but it still flippin leaked :0

I removed my scuttle at the weekend as like all you guys it doesn't clip in properly. The previous owner told me he'd had a new screen fitted so it's obviously a bodge carried out by ******** windscreen fitters. The little groove that the scuttle should clip in to appears to be part of the screen. My scuttle sits well most of the way along but pops up in the middle and looks pikey. It doesn't leak *touch wood* but want it sorted as it messes with my ocd. May get a new one and try the screwdriver trick.
My ecu got wet once cause of the scuttle trim not clipping in properly,once the ecu and plugs dried out over a couple days car was fine again,I put a plastic bag over the end of the ecu and cable tied it to the wiring either side so water can't get into it now and not had any problems since touch wood

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