A3 1.8T Problems...!?!

  • Thread starter imported_ChrisCardiffA3T
  • Start date


Right fellas,
Its a Jan 99 model -S Plate.
Prior to the whole incident, I merely moved the car 10ft down the drive. 2 hours passed, when out to go move the car...DEAD! Checked the battery...and well flat is putting it nicely! Anyway, it was late, everywhere was closed so I made my way down to Halfords. Bought the dearest Clacium battery for the car. Came home and fitted it. The drive was completely different... as you pull through the gears, well, you may as well walk... it was seriously lacking power... when you lifted off, the car would lunge and become jerky. On occassion, whilst pulling up to a tight left or right hand junction, it would stall. On idle after Rev it would also idle a little lumpy for a second or two. All a bit of a shock since I've always had serviced with Sinclair Audi, and only covered 50K. To be honest, its never had a hard life...that was left to my impreza which i recently sold.

The spluttering, and stalling has stopped, its as smooth as it was before the battery change. However, the remaining problem, is a big problem... it feels naturaly aspirated...NO TURBO KICK AT ALL...
erm, ...any other ideas?
Its booked into Audi tomorrow.

Any ideas...?
Sounds like the ECU's gone into limp mode. It'll show up on the diagnostic Audi will do tomorrow. If there's nothing else wrong with the car they should be able to reset it for you and everything will be back to normal. I had something similar and AFN in Guildford charged me £45 for the diagnostic and the reset.

So fingers crossed that's all it is!
Just had problems sound similar to yours, my A3 1.8TS began feeling like there was no turbo boost. The ECU was showing fault codes for the throttle body. This may be fixed by decoking the throttle body or by replacement. Since I have an AA waranty I let the dealers replace it. Car is now back on top form again.
Your stalling and poor idle is likely to be down to the ECU resetting itself and relearning the settings after the battery has been disconnected.
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