RNS-E displaying phone can't play radio


Registered User
Sep 24, 2011
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I have a problem with my RNS-e. The phone is on all the time and I cannot reset.
Its as if I am on the phone and the radio cuts out.

I disconnected the Kafatec Fiscon as I thought this was causing the problem.
This is still disconnected

I disconnected the RNS-e, power it down and also reset it.
But the problem is still there. I retrofited the RNS-e 4 years ago and had no problems up till now.

My battery failed this week and I replaced it yesterday.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
There was a problem with some wiring harness adapters where the telmute wire was grounded causing this fault. when did you install the Fiscon unit.

Try removing any wires going into pin 11 on the D connector as shown in the image below.
Thanks for that info but it didn't sort it out.
I installed the Fiscon unit over 3 years ago and never had any problems with it.
This is now disconnected from the RNS-e

I install a new car battery yesterday and it had discharged today.
The RNS-e unit is running all the time when connected.
I have it disconnected all wiring to the RNS-e to save the battery.
I believe the RNS-e unit is draining the battery and the issue is the RNS-e
Any ideas?
When you say all the time if you remove the key does the screen switch off? Do you ave access to vag-com to check for any fault codes.
I have the RNS-e removed from the dash but still connected.
When the car key is removed the display switches off but the RNS-e cooler fan keeps running.
I do not have access to a ag-com
That is normal, the rns-e does not fully switch off until around 5 minutes after you lock the car, or around 10 if the key is removed from the ignition
Thanks B5NUT
I left the RNS-e disconnected last night and the car started no problem this morning.
The problem is definetly with the RNS-e.
I wonder if anyone else had this problem and if so how was it sorted
If the rns-e is the cause then it's most likely to be the mainboard, they do come up on ebay from time to time. I would just put your old unit up on the bay as spares or repairs, and get another one.

This sort of fault is very rare, you could try and muck around with downgrade of the firmware, but your going to need vag-com for that. vag-com may also show up a fault on the unit that could lead you to be able to fix the fault, as it could be down to a can-bus fault keeping the unit switched on. get your car scanned and start from there.