Cleaning throttle body on 1.8T AUM


Registered User
Feb 5, 2008
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I'm going to have ago at cleaning my throttle body tomorrow. I've got an AUM which is drive by wire and was reading that I shouldnt open the throttle body flaps with my fingers but what I should do is turn the ignition on but not the engine and have someone push the accelarator peddle to open up the flaps. I'm going to be doing it my own so had planned to just put a brick on the accelarator , but I wondered if that would flood the engine or something, if the accelarator is pushed down but engine not running ? Sorry if its a noob question but thought I should check.

Also I read about the TB re-align I dont have vagcom but I read it will reset over the miles any idea how long or should I get it reset via Vagcom ?
why would it flood the engine if the engine isn't running? If the engine isn't running then the injectors won't be squirting
why would it flood the engine if the engine isn't running? If the engine isn't running then the injectors won't be squirting

Thanks I thought that might be the case wanted to check it though soz for noob question
I just did mine yesterday and got my nephew to keep his foot on the pedal for me

I took a few pic’s that i can upload for you tomorrow?

Good luck

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