vagcom cable


poking badgers with spoons
Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
i know this has proberly been asked a million times iv used the search to try find what im looking for and i failed at that.

anyway, am i right in thinking that the vagcom cable my girlfriend uses for her leon cupra r will work in my 8l a3?

if so why wont vagcom pick my car up it just says there is no controller but it does say the ports are working?

thanks alex :laugh:
im going to go with its a gash one from ebay. but isnt there two different types on cable? i have no idea tbh
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The cheapo cable should still work on your car but you wont have full functionality. It might be that the unlicensed software isn't allowing you to scan that module. Have you tried doing an auto scan?
iv got the full verison of vagcom, it just runs through these checks trying to find a controller on auto scan and after about 5 mins just says no controller found ill try testing it again tonight to get exactly what it says
iv got the full verison of vagcom, it just runs through these checks trying to find a controller on auto scan and after about 5 mins just says no controller found ill try testing it again tonight to get exactly what it says

You may have the full version of VCDS (vagcom) but the license is held on the cable so if you dont have an official cable the software wont be fully licensed and therefore fully useable. It should still pick up your car though. Get some screen shots if you can.

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