Painting Callipers - What Colour?


Registered User
Jul 14, 2010
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What colour should i paint them on my silver avant? If you have painted callipers then could you post a pic to help me decide on colour.

The car:
Not red?

I had red on my blue focus i had before. I didn't use calliper paint, used enamel in the glass pots from b&q
Don't think i would like blue, maybe lime green!
This is Matt Silver, on my wife's VW Polo they were painted last summer. This is how they still look a year later after a thorough clean (4 week's ago). Cleaned all surroundig area before fitting new FK coilover's (not pictured).

Any pics with the wheels on and with the car in view too?
I also think blue would look OK with the silver. Red tends to look best with black imo.
well i have red on mine and it looks really nice but my car is crystal blue

im gonna do mine at some point - may go flat black to be honest to save getting the finish spot on
Anyone know which brand of paint I can use? I want gloss black. :)
i got mine from halfords it is really good stuff
there is nothing chavy about painting them red most sports cars have red or yellow
hahaha old man cars i think i must get out of that one on a technicality as mine is the sports model ;-) there for have sport brakes too lol.
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hahaha old man cars i think i must get out of that one on a technicality as mine is the sports model ;-) there for have sport brakes too lol.

Lol to the old man's cars!

Go on then Simon, tell us all about your "sport brakes".....!
if you 2 care to look it up on line it will tell on the sports modle the front calipers are not the same as the se ones they bigger and when i looked at the se i did the wheels on his where like my back ones
bigger brakes only came out in 3.0 litre + S4s unless they were converted, what engine is your A4? If its a TDI, forget it! Unless you converted them yourself they are just the normal 288 ones :) I think painting calipers is a good idea but when they are big! Our stock calipers look tiny and I dont think it would look good if they stood out too much, but gloss black is just a perfect choice!
ill take a pic maybe best but they are not the same as the se ones
ok now if you look at the guys post on here that has cleaned his wheel archs and see his brakes you will see that are not the same as mine all be it i have my wheel on but you can see they are not the same.

this is a photo of urs? what engine is ur car??
yep and its a 1.9 tdi sport iv done nothing to it and when i put new pads on it i orderd the ones for my reg and they where right but looking at mine to the se ones it seems its just the outer part thats bigger as they dont have the bar bit i do or what ever you would call it lol
They are just the stock brakes... There is no way they could be 312 looking at the photo, anyway Etka says there was only one version of brakes to 1.9tdi
will some thing is a miss here as i no 100% the 130 tdi i did the wheels on did not have the same as mine now i am not saying my car is any better than any ones but it clearly has not got the same calipers as what some i have seen are the petrol ones the same too
looking back on this thread i see CMD has a 190 s.line and they are the same as mine yet in the other post about cleaning his wheel archis his are not the same at all so im lost
When you have a free few minutes take one of the front wheels of and measure it with a tape, take a picture with the tape at the disc and then we'll see.
im not saying im right but im asking how come mine do not look the same as the other tdi ones iv seen
if you look at mine and then the others you will see why im asking my ?


I think they look the same but measure them and then Ill believe!
ok umm i think we are talking about two differnt things here im saying mine do not look the same and you can see from the photo they are not
as for size the pads may well be the same size that i dont no but the calipers are not the same to look at all so i dont think i need to measure mine to convince you as the pics show 2 differnt calipers. thats my point there is not one kind on all the audi tdi.s
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Simon when you say yours are "different" - can you define what you mean by different? Are you saying the calipers are bigger? 0r the discs bigger? Or both? From the top of my head there are at least 4 different calipers for the 1.9 models, which may or may not depend on power level - did I remember you saying yours was a 115?

Im trying to view this on a small phone screen, but there doesnt look to be much difference between the two calipers youve posted does there?

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