any one no what this is


Registered User
Oct 5, 2009
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hi all so i was doing some bits on the car and see this its on the drivers side of the rad and there is one on the othere side but not cut at all im thinking it maybe why my aircon is not working but not 100% sure as i dont no what it is or what it does any ideas there are 3 wiers one is cut and i cant see where it goes to ether its a small black one any info would be good thanks

No sorry. If you get the part number of it you could google it or ring an Audi dealer and the parts department will be able to tell you
Hi simon the plug does not look original to the car as i see it has been through crimped the red and purple wires are what you should be looking at not the yellow wires and plug as they have been retro fitted hope fully it is a case that someone on here can look at theres and tell you.
hi A4 nut long time no hear i just had a good look at it and im sure there is one on the othere side of the rad too the part number is 8EO 959 651 if that helps
Hi Simon, the object that you are attempting to plug onto is a crash sensor.
ohhhhh well its pluged in but i see there is a small black wier not going into it that looks broke
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