Cost of replacement bumper?


Registered User
Feb 12, 2014
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earlier this week some kind person hit the front of my car scuffing the passenger side of my bumper and pushing it back and then drove of. Does anyone have a rough idea how much it would cost to replace thorough an Audi approved repairer? Trying to decide if I should have it done privately or through my insurance.
PM me your reg and I can check for you. Pls remember it will only be primed.
Thanks for the offer, I was thinking more of an approximate cost for the total repair not the individual repair. My local Audi dealerships have an estimator go in a couple of times a week so will take it along to them, but he won’t be there until middle of next week now so was just looking for an idea of cost. Another local Audi repairer aren’t taking on private jobs until at least March as they are are at capacity with insurance work.
This was the cost of a new rear bumper on my 8V after a low impact rear bump at a roundabout. Through a main dealer. Thankfully I didn't have to pay as I wasn't at fault.

Thanks, that’s around what I’m hoping it will be. Hopefully the front isn't much more expensive, has the parking sensors but you also have the radar (?) in the front grill for distance to next car. I’m hoping the front grill doesn’t need replacing as it’s separate to the bumper.
It must be the season for s***h***s as I came out my front door last week to find this damage on my rear bumper. Not best pleased as you can imagine


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@STmichael Sorry to see that, I find it gut wrenching when things like this happen, you buy a nice car and want to look after it and then some ****** hits it and doesn’t even have the decency to stop or leave a note with details.

To compound the situation My car should have been fitted with a dashcam but wasn’t because Audi are still waiting on the correct cabling, if I’d had the dash cam fitted I might have been able to catch the person that did this.
Yeah feel for you mate. I have not got a glue where and how mine has happened given where I had been the couple of days previously. It has pierced 2 holes in it so whatever it was has hit it quite hard. Luckily no damage to the wheel or the main body of the car. Is yours repairable or is it a new bumper?
Probably repairable, but my experience is that dealers recommended garage will probably prefer to replace bumper. I'm happy with either option provided I can't see any difference, I tend to notice small differences and it will wind me up.
looks bad :) let me know details i might get you bumper in color think also can swap if you close to london
To compound the situation My car should have been fitted with a dashcam but wasn’t because Audi are still waiting on the correct cabling, if I’d had the dash cam fitted I might have been able to catch the person that did this.

Ouch, what's the holdup with the cabling? I run mine (Nextbase 322GW) via the cigarette port, and it does have enough battery to cover it for a week (parking mode). When I go for holiday I might hook it up to the OBD port for constant power to cover 2-3 weeks.
Funny story, the parker next to my car in residential parking, had dinged my previous car several times previously, he must have spotted my dash cam, and now he parks as socially distance as possible within his bay. I did ensure I parked my car facing out, so I'm sure he saw my dashcam! Plus it's an A3 and his is a 2005 Renault probably worth not more than 1k today.
Although if someone hits your car from the front, and disappear towards the rear, then the dashcam won't catch it anyway, but if they hit you on the side, and disappear off to the front, then yes your camera can catch them (perhaps).
Got the estimate in to repair my bumper, going to set me back £820. That’s repairing the bumper, replacing washer cover and part of the side trim.
Nope, but within the range I was expecting and I can’t really leave it, it would drive me nuts each time I cleaned the car.