Additional Security.


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Feb 12, 2019
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I am due to be getting my S3 next week and in doing so ive been looking at every option for security.
So far:
A disk lock is 100% certain due to being a visual deterrent it also takes them more time.
Autowatch Ghost - Cant start at all but they could come back( if they dont expect you to already be on the phone to the police)
Blackjax- They can take the car but would you want it back if they could have driven over a curb at 100+ mph?

Whats everyone's opinion and what does everyone have?
I have a disklok in grey. The small size is what you need for an S3. Seems like it would be a good deterrent. I suggest you get the official case for long journeys. It has velcro on it, which sticks to the lining of the boot and stops it from rattling around and moving.

Also get the steering wheel protector to prevent the leather from getting marked.

I was also considering the Autowatch Ghost but i'm worried it will invalidate my approved used warranty from Audi.

I have a nest cam pointing at my driveway with notifications to my phone for movement. Notifications are useless at night though, because i have my phone on silent then.

I have a motion detecting fog light as well. I think the lock, light and cam are a minimum for peace of mind.
Have spent some time on this recently.
Motion spot light and Dog...
Stoplock wither the pro or the disklock is enough of a deterrent in built up area. but move or disable the OBD port and take your keys to bed inside a faraday pouch
I have a disklok in grey. The small size is what you need for an S3. Seems like it would be a good deterrent. I suggest you get the official case for long journeys. It has velcro on it, which sticks to the lining of the boot and stops it from rattling around and moving.

Also get the steering wheel protector to prevent the leather from getting marked.

I was also considering the Autowatch Ghost but i'm worried it will invalidate my approved used warranty from Audi.

I have a nest cam pointing at my driveway with notifications to my phone for movement. Notifications are useless at night though, because i have my phone on silent then.

I have a motion detecting fog light as well. I think the lock, light and cam are a minimum for peace of mind.

Thank you for that! i didnt think about the protector. Im getting a 65 plate so the warranty has already expired anyway.

Have spent some time on this recently.
Motion spot light and Dog...
Stoplock wither the pro or the disklock is enough of a deterrent in built up area. but move or disable the OBD port and take your keys to bed inside a faraday pouch

I have a dog and a light so hopefully this might work!
I havent got keyless entry but regardless the keys will be coming to bed... Again thank you!
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seriously get the Port moved or killed though, this is relatively cost zero too and the best time killer for any thieving scum.
If they want your car they will take it but the more time it takes them then the more likely they'll give up or get caught
seriously get the Port moved or killed though, this is relatively cost zero too and the best time killer for any thieving scum.
If they want your car they will take it but the more time it takes them then the more likely they'll give up or get caught

Yeah if they want it that bad they will take it, shame you cant have anything nice :angry:
We've just got a ring camera with floodlight so any movement and the front of our house is fully lit up. The research we did said that powerful lighting was the strongest deterrent, CCTV is expensive and easily circumnavigated. Heard good things about GhostWatch, didn't go for it myself but may in the future.

Oh also 2 German Shepherds barking are a good deterrent. Local postman only just got over being scared

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Dogs barking works very well, Have had several nervous visitors over the years including the postman, when I opent he door they say is the dog safe...

They don't know hes an 11 year old Labrador but proves how effective the barking is
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We've just got a ring camera with floodlight so any movement and the front of our house is fully lit up. The research we did said that powerful lighting was the strongest deterrent, CCTV is expensive and easily circumnavigated. Heard good things about GhostWatch, didn't go for it myself but may in the future.

Oh also 2 German Shepherds barking are a good deterrent. Local postman only just got over being scared

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Most visitors ask the same about ours - one is a masitff the others are just little min pins.. little do they know.

Dogs barking works very well, Have had several nervous visitors over the years including the postman, when I opent he door they say is the dog safe...

They don't know hes an 11 year old Labrador but proves how effective the barking is
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Autowatch Ghost here, they can start it but they can't get it out of P, they've already made a noise and woken people up, so they would be brave to come back in and ask for the code!!!
Autowatch Ghost here, they can start it but they can't get it out of P, they've already made a noise and woken people up, so they would be brave to come back in and ask for the code!!!

If I’m honest that seems to be the most suggested! Thank you
I was the same when I picked up mine. we already have cctv around the house (mainly on the cars) and dogs who live outside ( back garden/kennel ) however the car is at the front!
I have the disklok and a £40 GPS tk star tracker (amazons finest) its ****** belting! I didn't want to spend silly money on a recovery option and more deterrent, however for £40 and 5star reviews I didn't mind the purchase. honestly can't fault it
If someone wants the car bad enough they will take it. I suggest you let them.

Had a ghost fitted a couple of days ago to our s3 cab. My brother had one fitted to his rs3 saloon. He needed ot more than me being he has the keyless entry pack. I thought why not get them done together. Now, its a great piece of kit though, as discussed with my wife if intruders break in to get the keys, then go to try and start it only to see it has a ghost..... they COULD re-enter armed,desperate and even more angry. At this point you would have to calmly go and start it for them.

Now, i know theres probably a load of internet warriors here that will say id kill them blah blah blah......

In reality its just a car. A material belonging. It can be replaced and is definitely not worth being stabbed for, shot for or KILLED for. These scumbags have nothing to lose.

This is the only downside to ghost.

Personally, id go on ebay, buy some of the light up clifford stickers. (Just the sticker as the alarms are good as is) Have them wired in as well as get a ghost fitted. The light up clifford is a better deterrent as its highly visable in the dark. Get a tracker sticker, and ghost sticker.

This way they will assume it has a TRACKER,ghost and clifford fitted.

They will not bother and go get a easier car.
If this fails and they still break in. Let them take it. Disklocks are pointless as again, they will FORCE you to unlock it.

My two cents.
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Any links for the protective steering wheel covers please
If someone wants the car bad enough they will take it. I suggest you let them.

Had a ghost fitted a couple of days ago to our s3 cab. My brother had one fitted to his rs3 saloon. He needed ot more than me being he has the keyless entry pack. I thought why not get them done together. Now, its a great piece of kit though, as discussed with my wife if intruders break in to get the keys, then go to try and start it only to see it has a ghost..... they COULD re-enter armed,desperate and even more angry. At this point you would have to calmly go and start it for them.

Now, i know theres probably a load of internet warriors here that will say id kill them blah blah blah......

In reality its just a car. A material belonging. It can be replaced and is definitely not worth being stabbed for, shot for or KILLED for. These scumbags have nothing to lose.

This is the only downside to ghost.

Personally, id go on ebay, buy some of the light up clifford stickers. (Just the sticker as the alarms are good as is) Have them wired in as well as get a ghost fitted. The light up clifford is a better deterrent as its highly visable in the dark. Get a tracker sticker, and ghost sticker.

This way they will assume it has a TRACKER,ghost and clifford fitted.

They will not bother and go get a easier car.
If this fails and they still break in. Let them take it. Disklocks are pointless as again, they will FORCE you to unlock it.

My two cents.

Interesting that that all assumes you can park on your property. So cheapest safeguard might be to park on the street leaving the perps to guess where you live. Perhaps the insurance companies should reverse their pratice of offering cheaper insurance for those with off road parking?
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I was the same when I picked up mine. we already have cctv around the house (mainly on the cars) and dogs who live outside ( back garden/kennel ) however the car is at the front!
I have the disklok and a £40 GPS tk star tracker (amazons finest) its ****** belting! I didn't want to spend silly money on a recovery option and more deterrent, however for £40 and 5star reviews I didn't mind the purchase. honestly can't fault it

If someone wants the car bad enough they will take it. I suggest you let them.

Had a ghost fitted a couple of days ago to our s3 cab. My brother had one fitted to his rs3 saloon. He needed ot more than me being he has the keyless entry pack. I thought why not get them done together. Now, its a great piece of kit though, as discussed with my wife if intruders break in to get the keys, then go to try and start it only to see it has a ghost..... they COULD re-enter armed,desperate and even more angry. At this point you would have to calmly go and start it for them.

Now, i know theres probably a load of internet warriors here that will say id kill them blah blah blah......

In reality its just a car. A material belonging. It can be replaced and is definitely not worth being stabbed for, shot for or KILLED for. These scumbags have nothing to lose.

This is the only downside to ghost.

Personally, id go on ebay, buy some of the light up clifford stickers. (Just the sticker as the alarms are good as is) Have them wired in as well as get a ghost fitted. The light up clifford is a better deterrent as its highly visable in the dark. Get a tracker sticker, and ghost sticker.

This way they will assume it has a TRACKER,ghost and clifford fitted.

They will not bother and go get a easier car.
If this fails and they still break in. Let them take it. Disklocks are pointless as again, they will FORCE you to unlock it.

My two cents.

Interesting that that all assumes you can park on your property. So cheapest safeguard might be to park on the street leaving the perps to guess where you live. Perhaps the insurance companies should reverse their pratice of offering cheaper insurance for those with off road parking?

Thank you! I have to park mine currently on the road at the back of my house with numerous other cars so they wouldn’t really know unless they watched me etc.
I think the sticker idea is good actually because like you say would they try if there’s One easier on the same street. Like you say it’s metal and it’s not worth being hurt over at the end of the day!
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Interesting that that all assumes you can park on your property. So cheapest safeguard might be to park on the street leaving the perps to guess where you live. Perhaps the insurance companies should reverse their pratice of offering cheaper insurance for those with off road parking?

Park on the street and risk scrapes, key marks and higher insurance premiums with no way of catching them on your cctv? Also they probably do scope out the cars. If its keyless entry they will walk around the local houses. Remember, they do not need to make ANY nouse with them scanners. You wont hear them. They have all the time in the world.

Personally, id rather just have it on the drive. The chance of them turning up to your door is slim. Its just becoming more common.

Personally on the drive, with cctv, pir flood lights on the car, ghost immobilising with the light up clifford sticker and tracker sticker is as good as it will get.

Now, when they pull out their tracking detector device and scan the car they will not detect one ( because there isnt one but they dont know that) so chances are panic and not take the risk of it incase its trackered.

This personally is as good as you can get deterrent wise.
As i said, if they DESPERATELY want that car they will have no issues kicking in your front door to take it.
you only have to watch a couple of youtube videos of the length the scum go to take the car. I did watch a few before I picked the s3 up and it was the sway to a 3 door instead of a 5 lol. much harder getting 5 lanky lads in a 3 door to carry out a crime.
I wouldn't bother with AWG, I'd go for Tracker S5 plus with the driver id tags after beefing up home security on windows and doors.

Let them take the car and let the police deal with it. Saves you having them confronting you and threatening violence, unless that's what your looking for.

With vhf technology it can tracked anywhere and with the app you can see it live.
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I've been thinking about the whole security thing for a few months now, as I've got a new S3 coming.

I've always had "ok" cars, but I realise that the S3 is a step up, and is one of the Thieving Toerags favourites.

I had some very different views 20 years ago, but now older (and wiser?).....

...Here's my 2p...

If the scumbag,oxygen robbing cretins decide they want my car, they're gonna take it. FACT. They are professionals nowadays. This is their JOB!
If they threaten my wife or kids, no Ghost/tracker/disklock etc,etc, is going to stop me handing over the keys.

The car's insured. I will have GAP insurance in place.

If the car is taken, I sure as hell don't want it back after being driven round and crashed up and down kerbs and into other cars/property at breakneck speeds.

I love cars. Properly love 'em, but at the end of the day they're a lump of metal and they're replaceable. My family are not - and I will not risk them any harm for the sake of a car...ANY car.

The one thing I have always done (and I don't think I've read it on ANY of these types of threads) is SET MY HOUSE ALARM ON A NIGHT when we go to bed. The last thing these cretins want is stupidly loud noise the second they break into a house.
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Autowatch Ghost is good at what it does, but it isn't a deterrent as the would be thief doesn't know it is fitted! I had a clifford add-on alarm installed in my RS3 which has a proximity sensor - walk near the car when locked and it starts flashing it's indicators and chirping quite loudly - and all just on the factory remote, so no messing with codes or additional remotes. I also use a disklok, and have the obligatory barking dog, floodlights and CCTV! Don't forget to upgrade your home locks - there is a current trend to use 'lock snapping' method to get past the standard euro locks on a UPVC door - and it's really easy to change your locks for anti-snap barrels - literally 5 mins per door max. Google 'lock snapping', you'll be shocked - it takes seconds to get into a multi-point locked UPVC door if the locks are standard.
Wowee i am glad I live where i do in the middle of nowhere............sometimes I even remember to just lock mine using the remote!
My own attitude to these things is I have it insured, it is just metal and plastic and hey if the the worst happens I will go and buy another. I ain't losing sleep over a £30k mass produced small german hatchback.
If someone wants the car bad enough they will take it. I suggest you let them.

Had a ghost fitted a couple of days ago to our s3 cab. My brother had one fitted to his rs3 saloon. He needed ot more than me being he has the keyless entry pack. I thought why not get them done together. Now, its a great piece of kit though, as discussed with my wife if intruders break in to get the keys, then go to try and start it only to see it has a ghost..... they COULD re-enter armed,desperate and even more angry. At this point you would have to calmly go and start it for them.

Now, i know theres probably a load of internet warriors here that will say id kill them blah blah blah......

In reality its just a car. A material belonging. It can be replaced and is definitely not worth being stabbed for, shot for or KILLED for. These scumbags have nothing to lose.

This is the only downside to ghost.

Personally, id go on ebay, buy some of the light up clifford stickers. (Just the sticker as the alarms are good as is) Have them wired in as well as get a ghost fitted. The light up clifford is a better deterrent as its highly visable in the dark. Get a tracker sticker, and ghost sticker.

This way they will assume it has a TRACKER,ghost and clifford fitted.

They will not bother and go get a easier car.
If this fails and they still break in. Let them take it. Disklocks are pointless as again, they will FORCE you to unlock it.

My two cents.
Or avoid any risk to you and your family and just leave the keys on the seat for them!
Thank you all for the help!
Booked in for the AWG with tracker and i have a disklok en route. i may look into a proximity sensor at another time but i think as many visual deterrents as possible the better.
Can the proximity sensor integrate with the standard alarm? interested in this.
Hi, yes, it's an add-on Clifford alarm that integrates to the factory system via the can gateway I believe. So it adds microwave and vibration sensors to the existing setup, no extra keys or fobs, just works with the factory key/fob. Ask at your local Clifford dealer.

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Yeah, I think you might have to add on the cost of the 'dual zone proximity sensor' to that price. I really like it though, good deterrent, especially at night time, and you can switch off the proximity sensor with an extra press on the lock button if you're in a place where it would get triggered accidentally e.g. in your garage at home. Oh and even with the proximity sensor off, if someone tries a door handle that is enough to set off the vibration sensors, so you get the chirps and indicator flashes then too.
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You can do the car all day you need to start we’re the keys are get anti snap locks to start with I had two scruffs trying to get into my house last week for mine but I have fully upgraded my security anti snaps security lights and 5mp cctv and not one of them were bothered by it but looked at the locks and walked away so far.
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You can do the car all day you need to start we’re the keys are get anti snap locks to start with I had two scruffs trying to get into my house last week for mine but I have fully upgraded my security anti snaps security lights and 5mp cctv and not one of them were bothered by it but looked at the locks and walked away so far.

I think thats a trip to B&Q then, like you say if they see the locks it may just let them walk away. I mean ive looked at the crime map and theres 'vehicle crime' listed but that a broad array of things...
I think thats a trip to B&Q then, like you say if they see the locks it may just let them walk away. I mean ive looked at the crime map and theres 'vehicle crime' listed but that a broad array of things...
You won’t get them from there I don’t think as there not a normal lock but don’t quote me on this as I have to go to a certain place to even get keys cut with other parts of the documents you get with them. You need 3 star ones.
I got all my new locks from, there is lots of info on the website about lock snapping and how to measure your existing euro cylinders. You can also get all locks matched so the same key opens them all, which keeps the keyring a bit simpler / lighter. I got the avocet anti snap/pick/drill/bump cylinders. Order all the keys you need at the same time because you can't just get these keys cut anywhere, they are specialist keys which include a magnet in a certain position on the key.

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I think its been well covered - if someone wants in your house or car they will be but make it as difficult as possible by just adding layers of security...door locks, lights, cameras, wheel lock, clamps, drive way far as your budget/desire to stop them will allow...

If i have security lights, an anti-snap door lock and an s3 on the drive but my next door neighbour only has standard locks and no light and s3 on the drive...i know which i would go after.
You won’t get them from there I don’t think as there not a normal lock but don’t quote me on this as I have to go to a certain place to even get keys cut with other parts of the documents you get with them. You need 3 star ones.

Thank you, ill have a look around.

I got all my new locks from, there is lots of info on the website about lock snapping and how to measure your existing euro cylinders. You can also get all locks matched so the same key opens them all, which keeps the keyring a bit simpler / lighter. I got the avocet anti snap/pick/drill/bump cylinders. Order all the keys you need at the same time because you can't just get these keys cut anywhere, they are specialist keys which include a magnet in a certain position on the key.

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Thank you for that i'll have a look into it see what prices are like; My mums due to be getting a new BMW soon so i think she will be willing to up the security as well
The mila pro secure door handles are worth getting as well and provide additional security. You can get these on amazon for under £30.

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