Scottish Group Buy - Cruise Control

Date set for 10th April, Jonny, that ok for you ? Let us know what time you could make it for, i could meet you just on the North side of the Forth Road Bridge (big layby), & travel up to Perth together.

1.ton246 (Tony) + vcds works
2.l4hsa (Paula) + vcds works
3.glasgowaudi (chris) + vcds works

Cheers Tony
Anyone else fancy having cruise fitted by Jonny on 10th April in Perth? :)

Paula x
Depending on how the sale of my S4 goes. It's on ebay just now, and if the reserve aint met, I'm keeping her. In that case, I may be up for it, depending on if I'm in the country. Should find out this week.

Does the price include everything? I believe for my B6 I'd need the lower cowling? Also, are you stuck with what stalk you would get for your model? I kinda like the stalk in my 8P A3, so as I'm already used to it, lol.
Depending on how the sale of my S4 goes. It's on ebay just now, and if the reserve aint met, I'm keeping her. In that case, I may be up for it, depending on if I'm in the country. Should find out this week.

Does the price include everything? I believe for my B6 I'd need the lower cowling? Also, are you stuck with what stalk you would get for your model? I kinda like the stalk in my 8P A3, so as I'm already used to it, lol.

Yeah, price includes everything you need mate.

You will need a new lower cowling, This is included in the price.

Yeah, all modern Audi cruise stalks work in the same way, sometimes depends on your steering module, but all A4s ive fitted to previously have worked as normal.

Let me know and I can book you in. Cbeers,
OK, I've got 4 booked in for the Scottish Cruise Install now. 3 installs in Perth and 1 on the M74 on the way home.

Ive done my calculations and as we stand it would be around £20 each for fuel expenses -- would everyone be cool with that?

If we got one more the fuel charge would go down to £15.

Well, my S4 didn't go on ebay. Got a couple guys looking at it this weekend, then I think the advertising of the car runs out. So if its not gone by then...

But I now won't find out about availability until probably the 1st April at the earliest. So still won't be able to book up until I find out (new job).
Soz I haven't been in touch. I've been on hols. I'll probably make it on the 10th. I'll need to double check with the long haired general first but I'm up for meeting in Perth. Much easier to get to than Burgh or weegie land :)

I'll let you know soon Jonny.
Payment sent by BT Jonny, will see you on the M74

Gob smacked today, just been told i'm being made redundent, which means unfortunatly i,m going to have to pull out, really sorry folks, hope you understand. Gutted.
OMG Tony, really sorry to hear this. Gutted for you and hope you find something else real soon. :(

Paula x
Thanks everyone, sure something will turn up soon, never been out of work in my life, it's a strange feeling TBH. But alot of people alot worse off than me, so look on the bright eh !
Unlucky Tony. I was made redundant a few months back, felt pretty cr@p for a while.

BUT, I have never been made redundant without it being the best thing to happen to me (3 times now). So hopefully it'll work out for you. This last redundancy was perfect for me, as they changed all the bonus rules since I left, to the point where I would have left of my own accord anyway, but at least I got my redundancy now, and the chance to withdraw the company shares tax free. Bonus. And just started my new job yesterday. Every cloud, silver lining and all that.

Hope it works as well for you.
Is this still going ahead, since there are now only 2 people on the list for Perth? Does anyone have a postcode for the location in Perth as I don't know the place at all? Thanks in advance :)

Paula x
Hey Paula, Was going to contact you today.

I cant get hold of GlasgowAudi and I havent received his deposit so Im not sure whats going on :(..

If GlasgowAudi cant make it then that leaves 2 in total, 1 in Perth and 1 just outside of Dumfries, but then obviously that means extra fuel charges..
Thanks for that, Jonny. If I'm going to be the only person having cruise fitted in Perth, with just one other having it done on the road, I don't think it's really going to be worth it I'm afraid, as it's a fair distance of round trip for me too. I couldn't really justify paying half (at least) of the petrol costs, now people have dropped out or not got in touch with you. Gutted, such a shame that there wasn't more interest. :(

Paula x
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Thanks everyone, sure something will turn up soon, never been out of work in my life, it's a strange feeling TBH. But alot of people alot worse off than me, so look on the bright eh !

Ouch, especially out of the blue! I hope something suitable come real soon, we all moan about our jobs but its better than no job at all!
As ive just recently joined the forum, this is the first ive seen of this thread. I would be interested in joining any meet ups as i was looking to have this fitted at some point, however ill be stuck offshore for the scheduled meet. If there is any chance of it being re-scheduled, id be keen as my partners folks live down in Perth so good excuse.
I know Paula, real shame.

Latest I can put an order for parts in is tomorrow by 3pm. Hopefully he may get in touch by then... we'll see.

Fingers crossed he does get in touch dude, but if not, then it's a real shame. I think I may have to take a trip later on in the year down your way, so you can sort my cruise out for me. I WILL have cruise, one way or another. :)

Paula x
I cannot guarantee attendance until Friday really or else I would have been in. Nature of the job I'm afraid.
Sure. Problem is the nature of my job will always leave it last minute. If you can do a good quote on the parts, then even if I don't make it for the fitting, I would likely take the parts.
I just tried to order a kit from Audi and they are on two week back order, you lot must be buying up all the kits.
Haha, I wish mate.

Audi have taken off sale the Audi Retrofit kit for now as the stalk found in the retrofit kit is different to the stalks found on the facelift A3's, so if they're bringing it back with 2 different kits available... I don't know.

I've been buying the parts seperately; stalk and trim. Costs a bit more mind, about £7 more.

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