Going on a road trip.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2010
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Next month me and a friend are doing a road trip around parts of Europe, about 2500 miles roughly. I done an oil change a few months back but is there anything I should check, replace, take with etc? Any help on this would be great! Its a 1.9tdi by the way!
Spare bulbs, fuses. A map and loads of music! ;) have a gooden.

Give the car a good check over before for anything that could become a potential issue during your trip. Fix what you think is/might be a problem.

I've always wanted to the same.
I normally take a small tool kit wherever I go just in case I might need it, also make sure you read up on what kit you should carry in your car for different France especially


Take a camera and enjoy
Dont forget a hi-viz jacket per person (many countries this is law) otherwise you will get fined, eg France Austria..
Car wise, just give everything a check over, tire pressures, fluids and maybe scan with vag com.

As the others have said, a quick read of the rule book and you will be ready to go.

Check your insurance covers you it probably does but better safe then sorry!
I vaguely remember reading that for France especially you will need a warning triangle for the road incase of breakdown and a breathiliser kit. Enjoy your trip. :)
i think a small fire extinguisher and defo a gb sticker
Take a Relay 109. It quite a common problem if it's the old version and you can get them for less than a tenner. Worth it so you don't have to source one in case it goes and you can't start the car.

Also remember to take the correct tool to remove the covers over the relay board so you can actually change it if you need it.

What route you taking through Europe?
Id say take a small tool kit,cable ties for a quick fix,tyre pressures.fuse's!,and watch out for french driver's,if someone wants to get past in the fast lane get the **** out the way!
as above mentioned. check fluids,tyres and brakes.have some spare bulbs,fuses,stickers for the headlights high vis vests.cash on hand,important numbers( breakdown asistance...) and watch out for fake cops in eastern europe (they usualy look for trucks but you just never know)

what you will need the most is good luck pal.

im going too in late june, but i only do a 2000 mile trip
Thanks for the advice guys. I have the OEM warning triangle in the boot. Whats the relay 109 for? We are going through France to Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland.

I read that the A3 faceift lights have a lever inside to convert to EU roads. I shall have to have a go at doing it. In regards to this, my passenger headlight looks slightly higher than the drivers side but it still passed the MOT, is this adjustable?
Relay 109 controls the glow plugs - and the older version was quite prone to failure. It was then updated. I can't remember if the grey coloured ones are the updated part or the black ones are.

It probably won't be a problem but they can be a common failure if you have the older part.

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