focus st vs s3 anyone else raced one?!!

I vote for deleting these types of thread here when they start.

Sounds very sensible.

On that note, I was faster than 3 R8's round silverstone last week! They were all novice drivers and scared of breaking their cars but I was faster mmkay!

It seems to work quite well over with us. At the end of the day, we're all driving hotted up family hatchbacks. If it puts a smile on your face, and your happy with you buying decision, everything else is just gravy.
i think people need to see what this threads about. abit of fun in our cars. agreed when it gets to slating others it gets silly but simply having some fun and posting the results isnt a bad thing surely.
i dont see it as a bad thing either it dont make people chavs
Posting on the internet about road racing does make you irresponsible though.

If you want to go fast, do it properly and on the track.

I can't tell you how many people think they have a faster car than me as they 'beat me off the lights' etc but I drive like Miss Daisy on roads and a car being fast isnt really appreciable until you get it on a track.
i dont see it as a bad thing either it dont make people chavs

It doesn't, but posts on internet forums like this can be used against you in a court case. Can't remember the guys name, but it happened to someone on pistonheads a while back.
agreed be careful what you write but at the end of the day we all love our cars and like what comes with it ie spped. agreed you must be responsible for your actions however 0-60 or 2nd gear pulls etc can be within the road limits. im not saying all that was writen in this thread but it could be. evryone likes a little "vs" not as the chavs want i.e to be the faster car but sometimes just seeing how their cars stack up against others. i think thats fair enough.
as i said it was a car cruise and there was untold amount of cars there also racing not at silly speeds over 100 mph just little burst i dont care who u are everyone has had a little race in there time with another car with similar spec
agreed be careful what you write but at the end of the day we all love our cars and like what comes with it ie spped. agreed you must be responsible for your actions however 0-60 or 2nd gear pulls etc can be within the road limits. im not saying all that was writen in this thread but it could be. evryone likes a little "vs" not as the chavs want i.e to be the faster car but sometimes just seeing how their cars stack up against others. i think thats fair enough.

I don't disagree. Personally, I'm more keen on finding out how the cars compare subjectively rather than the tale of the numbers (and not just because the S3 is quicker to 60...). e.g. how your driving style has to vary from a turbo'd 5pot like the ST (80% max torque from 2000rpm) to something like a Civic Type-R, which can appear quite similar on paper.
yeah i agree with what your saying but thats all i done but with an st a short race to compare and people start going on a mad 1 lol
Court Case.....

What is this place coming too...

Opinions about things are part of freedom of speech!

Wheres the thread over on ST owners club then?? I don't see it!

Court Case.....

What is this place coming too...

Opinions about things are part of freedom of speech!

Wheres the thread over on ST owners club then?? I don't see it!


I think in the court case they referred to posts this driver had made about 'driving fast' / 'racing' etc., and used them to back up witness reports of his driving style.

Freedom of speech is fine, so long as you're aware that what you say may come back and bite you in the a**!

The thread is

I've done nothing wrong here. I do NOT like the car....simple as.

IN MY EXPERIENCE all i've seen are chav's driving them, spurring me on to race, driving erratically, doing "burn-outs" hanging around Mc'Donalds car parks etc. Does that mean that they are all owned by chavs??? No.

As for bite me in the a$$, lol it's a forum, whats gonna happen, coming round with your dad to fight my dad???

*** man get a grip!

As for bite me in the a$$, lol it's a forum, whats gonna happen, coming round with your dad to fight my dad???


Jeez dude, chill out!

By bite you in the a$$, I meant exactly what I had just referred to, i.e. being used against you in court!?
101 watchers!

Yup, theres a massive thread on pistonheads where the guy hadnt actually said much all that bad but he had a forum sticker on his car, the police pulled off all his posts and made him out to be a boy racer.

and he did prison time.

I think its called 'Prison Diary' or something, search for the thread.

Hence why threads like this should be deleted the second they are posted.
101 watchers!

Yup, theres a massive thread on pistonheads where the guy hadnt actually said much all that bad but he had a forum sticker on his car, the police pulled off all his posts and made him out to be a boy racer.

and he did prison time.

I think its called 'Prison Diary' or something, search for the thread.

Hence why threads like this should be deleted the second they are posted.

Is his prison diary, but I can't find the bit where he went through the court case (and the related bits about forum posts).

PS My dad's giant haystacks
Good read so far. Feel sorry for the poor chap. Getting sent to prison for my views will never happen in this country. Freedom of speech!

Dave i'm no boy racer my friend. I'm a lot older than you think and i surely know better than to race around on public roads. It is wrong. I don't engauge in it, never have done.

I'll thank you to leave the idol threats where they are.

What you driving then Dave? Miss daisy?


This post made me laugh uncontrollably,Mr G you picked on a 'ring veteran you could not have got further from the truth. Miss Daisy HA HA HA
Good read so far. Feel sorry for the poor chap. Getting sent to prison for my views will never happen in this country. Freedom of speech!


It's clear that the guy was remorseful right from the start as well which is somewhat surprising in this day and age and makes it all the more harrowing a read.
Good read so far. Feel sorry for the poor chap. Getting sent to prison for my views will never happen in this country. Freedom of speech!

Dave i'm no boy racer my friend. I'm a lot older than you think and i surely know better than to race around on public roads. It is wrong. I don't engauge in it, never have done.

I'll thank you to leave the idol threats where they are.


If you're in the UK, thats where it happened.

and idol threats?

Like threatening Buddha? Or Allah?

You're a mentalist.
I managed to grow up being able to spell.

Growing up would not be to encourage people to post accounts of road racing on public forums.
this thread is a classic, its turned into playground stuff now. Can we all just leave it as its very petty.

Before anyone tells me not to read this thread if I dont like it I'd just like to say that i've tried but I just cant stop reading each new post. :p
You clearly are dilusional Dave.

Encourage people to race? Show me where i've posted that. Taking the **** out of a post with a spelling mistake in it shows your clear mentality....
Furthermore the person who went to prison dave actually harmed another motorist due to his actions. Thus commiting a traffic offense.

Get a grip man...*** you really are an annoying little man!
Furthermore the person who went to prison dave actually harmed another motorist due to his actions. Thus commiting a traffic offense.

Get a grip man...*** you really are an annoying little man!

I always thought it didn't matter whether someone got hurt or not. If you were seen to be 'racing', you're boned. I found this, but I'm not sure if it's still current:

Section 12

Motor racing on public ways

(1) A person who promotes or takes part in a race or trial of speed between motor vehicles on a public way is guilty of an offence.

(2) In this section “public way” means, in England and Wales, a public highway and, in Scotland, a public road.

Are you people just making this up as you go along. Utter loonacy.

I didn't start this thread, didn't mention racing, didn't mention racing anyone didnt say i had did or ever will race someone to prove anything. It is clearly childish.

Tell the person who did start this thread and was racing cause i really couldn't care what i'm accused of. I KNOW i've done nothing wrong.

End of.
Haha, you need to take a deep breath and chill the f*ck out. No-one said, nor implied you were racing. Read what's been written. Bit of a 'last-word' kid aren't you?

Are you people just making this up as you go along. Utter loonacy.

I didn't start this thread, didn't mention racing, didn't mention racing anyone didnt say i had did or ever will race someone to prove anything. It is clearly childish.

Tell the person who did start this thread and was racing cause i really couldn't care what i'm accused of. I KNOW i've done nothing wrong.

End of.

Sorry if I've misunderstood, but your previous post seemed to imply that he got sent to prison only because he'd hurt someone.

I was just trying to point out that as far as I know, it doesn't matter whether you hurt anyone or not, and as far as the OP goes, he might find that information useful.

Until I looked it up, I'd have thought you could still be within the law if you just did a quick 30-70 blast against a mate on a dual carriageway, but apparently not.
Shouldn't be difficult, there's a thread over at following this thread :D.... which is where I'm from. I think more people would have posted from there by now, but you seem far too restrained and open-minded for an internet forum. How can we have a proper forum-war without some real mindless fanboism? :p PS Obligatory 'S3s are nice cars too, but hot hatches are as much about personal driving habits as anything else, and I love the way my ST drives'

Welcome to the Forum btw, we're not all haters over here. Cracking Volvo 5-pot in those ST's.
Welcome to the Forum btw, we're not all haters over here. Cracking Volvo 5-pot in those ST's.

Lol, hi!

It is a nice engine, little heavy, but a lovely fruity note to it.

At the risk of being a creep, I've always been a fan of the S3 as well. I might well have ended up with one had I bothered to test drive anything other than the ST! (I'm a lazy lazy man)
And for the record, Chris is 100% correct, you're all driving yer mums shopping cars with a slightly bigger turbo and a poor impression of a 4WD controller.

ooooh dear is the record stuck? Hi David!!!!!

can i just cover this firstly as this always seems to be brought up everytime you surface David....the S3 is 4wd no matter what it has controlling it, it is there for a sure Audi didnt sit around picking their bum holes thinking up ways of making a simple 100% 4wd set up more complicated, nor did they sit working out how to make a 2wd hold traction under all conditions or else they may have considered saving money and developing an LSD that defied logic - like yours apparently does (see previous post)

As this has turned into such an intelligent read id like to add a few things back on topic

these types of threads are what you want them to be, if all you do is potter around or greatly under it 'Sunday driver style' then im afraid your either lying or your just being objectional on purpose....and subsequently causing arguments - well done if that is anyones intention

on topic.... im sure the Ford boys will all have stories of beating S3's just like we do in reverse, i have no doubt a mapped ST will beat an S3 on the strip.... that doesnt mean by any stretch that it will kill our cars everywhere because that quite simply is total horse poo....i know cos ive done it!! as have others... and the same will be mirrored on their forum.

To say the S3 is whey behind is rubbish.... it still holds its own well in todays market when you look at how much more advanced we are now.... you'd expect the ST being a 2.5 turbo to completely ruin ours...this it doesnt do, im pretty chuffed about that, when i bought my car i could have paid a lil extra and got a newer ST (4 yrs younger for extra £2k) this in my book wasnt an option because A i didnt want the crap build quality and B i couldnt warrant the extra cash on the looks of the ST alone....we all have a budget to play with otherwise id have bought an 8P S3 and David would have bought a newer M3.... what we do with our budget is obviously a perosnal thing....end of
I always thought it didn't matter whether someone got hurt or not. If you were seen to be 'racing', you're boned. I found this, but I'm not sure if it's still current:

Section 12

Motor racing on public ways

(1) A person who promotes or takes part in a race or trial of speed between motor vehicles on a public way is guilty of an offence.

(2) In this section “public way” means, in England and Wales, a public highway and, in Scotland, a public road.

This if you read it properly chris says "you" does it not. Meaning me?

Razzle, you missunderstood. His actions = Speeding or whatever he did to loose the control he had over his car. Offense = Caused another person injury by dangerous driving? I've no idea what the offense was clearly enough to be imprisoned for it. Poor lad.
This if you read it properly chris says "you" does it not. Meaning me?

Razzle, you missunderstood. His actions = Speeding or whatever he did to loose the control he had over his car. Offense = Caused another person injury by dangerous driving? I've no idea what the offense was clearly enough to be imprisoned for it. Poor lad.

I think we might be talking in circles here, and I'm no lawyer, so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on this now.

Do i look like i give a ****?

Judging by your reply, yes.

I've said this before, you want a focus st go buy one....

I drive an RS4, no need for a change yet. I just have an appreciation for performance cars in general, not just Audis.

stop posting uter crap on here about which car is better who can out pace one......that in itself is childish is it not??

Shall I quote some of the utter guff you've wasted my broadband connection with?

Furthermore - Better car, lmao, it IS still as i said before a FOCUS. So what if it drives better. Audi are not the be all and end all of cars. Getting personal mate? Carry on i really couldn't care less, you sound just like the type of idiot i'm talking about. *** grow up - LOL do you frequent the local Mc'Donalds car park to look at all the lovely ST's??

Come back when your balls have dropped!


I'll be seeing you at Inters then? Mate grow up or get yourself back to Bebo.

Are you people just making this up as you go along. Utter loonacy.

I didn't start this thread, didn't mention racing, didn't mention racing anyone didnt say i had did or ever will race someone to prove anything. It is clearly childish.

Tell the person who did start this thread and was racing cause i really couldn't care what i'm accused of. I KNOW i've done nothing wrong.

End of.
nice to see how you dont like people just implying stuff about you like on my thread yesterday where you were implying i might be a chav and buy a ST, how did you come to that assumption anyway?? really cant see it myself are you being racist because my cars yellow lol
this seems to have started by someone accusing the original poster of being reckless by what was referred to as racing on public roads..... everyone has a definition of racing which im certain most on here will have been guilty of at some point..... the difference here is that someones posted up about it which has disgruntled a select few that clearly sit high on their soap box's abiding by every law of this potential nanny state that we are in - i suggest those people crawl back into their protective bubbles and carry on fantasising about immortal life and alcohol price rises to prevent binge drinking
No it's not. It's far from it. It's predominantly fwd and only engages the rears once slippage has already started to happen. Uprate your haldex controller and you get closer, but still awd.

i fully understand how the haldex works..... my point being that it isnt 2wd either

the comment 'far from it' would asume it is 2wd when it so clearly is not...shall we agree that it is a hybrid...would that make life better for us all