Snow day!!!!!


All hail the mighty quattro!
Mar 20, 2007
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Woke up this morning to find this! Always wanted a white S4.




Good old council not gritted anywhere god bless em! So here I sit, don't fancy ploughing the roads with my bumper, 2" of clearance really isn't enough in 6" of snow! Everyone else having fun?
I see you didnt do the whole "winter mode/wheels" thing...You should be glad they didnt grit! It cuts out the shine on the wheels
I haven't the money to buy another set of wheels, and can't be bothered with raising all the suspension either! Just use the missus car if its bad out, but she left early and got stuck in a town 5 miles away! Time to fire up the xbox!
Went to bed at 3 this mornig only to be woke up by a bevis and butthead who drove into the street where i live with a m3 slid on the ice a smashed in to 4 cars. i jumped up only to find it happened where i park my car :tapedshut:. i ran out there in just my t shirt and boxers and it was ******:cold:. Anyway i went nutz on bevis:motz:saying look at the mess on my car and the rest of them i phoned the rossers ad when they decided to turn up it was only after he asked me wich is your cari looked around and remembered my car is still with the grease monkey :undwech: . When i said that to the officer he was in stitches and when the van came to pick up bevis and butthead all the cops were wetting them selfs........ BOY I FELT DULL.......
I made it to work no thanks to some stupid middle aged woman in a Subaru who decided the gap I had left between myself and the car in front would suit her after the had passed 4 cars on the brow of a hill. I was annoyed and got out to ask what the Hell she was doing only to recieve a load of verbal and her tell me her kids needed to get to school. Surely they'd be better being late than not getting there at all. Fortunately for the first time ever a copper was where we needed him and stomped over. He told the woman to pull into the bus stop and told me to leave it with him. Somebody was in for a bollocking. What the Hell is wrong with people at the moment, bit of bad weather and peoples driving turns to crap.
I woke up and my A4 had turned into a Mistsi with selectable 4 wheel drive ratios which came in useful.

Ahh damn hasn't snowed here for a day now starting to think it won't come back :(
It's finally stopped here, just measured it, 7" deep, no one can move anywhere in the whole of my village, except the guy with a Land Rover who's having a wail of a time!
at least you lot have had snow. i've missed it down in east kent totaly missed it. its not fair:mad:
We had a little bit, here is a pic of my S3 buried outside my front door

^^^ A little??

That's brutal, almost Canadian.
Dunno about anyone else, but pretty much all our snow's still here, still 6" or so in my back garden, and lovely inch thick ice on pretty much all the village roads! With possibly more to come tonight, when will it go?!
These are the pic s I took this week. Most of our snow is still about and we've been told at work we aren't likely to see the back of it before next weekend.

Monday drive to work

Tuesday morning


Thursday Morning & office car park

Blizzard conditions in the south tomorrow, moving northwards during the day, the starting to clear later tuesday, so they said at lunch time anyway!
Hasnt snowed here since Thursday, but the temp hasnt been over freezing, so got some nice hardpack ice on my drive, makes getting into my garage fun, not!
Im the only one with half a brain in my flats, there is a massive yellow grit bin, which I am the only one to grit the roads!
I hope it doesnt snow more! !
PS Car's looking sweet Stapo, changed a bit since the ASN rolling road day when I last saw it :yes:
^^^ A little??

That's brutal, almost Canadian.

Its the worst its been in the 17+ years I have lived there. Still loads out now (and snowing again as I type). The main roads are clear but getting to them is the problem which doesn't help when my P-Zeros have hit the wear limit. I was gonna be changing them last week but the snow came before I got a chance :(

Here's another I took Friday afternoon just round the corner from me as we walked to the local shop:
PS Car's looking sweet Stapo, changed a bit since the ASN rolling road day when I last saw it :yes:

Cheers bud, I'm hoping it will stay looking good, too scared to drive it in this weather! Just been out in my works Ford Ranger to scope the roads, they're still looking like the roads above^^^^ Rather slippy, and loadsa ice built up down the centre of the roads, which my bumper isn't going to like! Hoping to get it to some more meets and shows this year, so may see you out somewhere.
Just started snowing again here, (Annan-ish)... nothing on the ground to begin with so it probably won't come to much...
Anybody wnat to know where all your grit is? It's on the M74! It's like driving through a hail storm when coming up behind someone!
Aye tis snowing again here too, just drove back from mums on an ungritted backroad, which wasnt much fun.

Last week it didnt really hang around, mostly rained away, so we'll see how it goes this time.
Damn it, snowing here again. Joy of joys
Bunch of girls! :moa:

Thats a standard mild winter for us up here. This time round when the rest of the country came to a stand still we only had 6" and -8 deg C and everything was as per a normal day (with the exception of a little fun on corners :) )

Its not uncommon to have in excess of a foot of snow in winter up here I remeber a really bad one about 18 yrs ago when I woke up to 3' of snow and -18 deg C, I still made it to work in my B2 FWD 2.2E Coupe :)
i missed it all, workin on a rig in the north sea, shetlands looked more like the north pole from the air but all clear by the time i got to aberdeen

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