Deep glossy wet look shine ?


Registered User
Sep 10, 2009
Reaction score
West Mids
Hi All
I've an 06 plate 2.0 tdi se A3 in black (Alfred)
Could anyone recommend a polish that gives a deep lasting 'wet look'
I hand wash using a mitt and separate buckets, then dry wipe with microfiber cloths
I've been using a popular brand of polish (ice) but would like to use something that will give a real shiny wet look finish
I'll be doing all the work by hand, as I've neither time nor patience to do a multi hour detail on the car.
I normally would spend about 2 to 3 hours on what i would call a good thorough wash, wipe and polish.
Would i need to 'strip' any existing polish from the car before applying any other product, if so what is recommended ?
Thanks very much for any tips and advice given.
hey buddy,
I've seen the werkstat set used on black to give the look you're after, is it a one step process you're after? Getting a one step that lasts is pretty difficult TBH, but I'd try Poorboys black hole then a sealants like Optimum Opti-seal. very easy and quick to use. Be interesting to see what the others say! HTH
hi Hunty, thanks for the reply
Yes, its a 1 step process I'm after really
just something that will give a real shine with not too much arm breaking application
I don't mind putting a bit of effort into achieving a good finish , but don't have the dedication to spend all day polishing etc.
Fair one buddy. If you want to fill the swirls that cars have, poorboys black hole is great and a pleasure to apply by hand and will fill those swirls, and opti-seal seems a little pricey, but it's spray on, wipe in, job done! And goes a long long way, it wont take longer than 3 hours to do.
Thanks again
This sounds like a good product, I've had a look at it and it seems easy to use
I'll take a look at the sealant too, as our feathered friends seem to have a flight path across the bonnet of my car when they have a case of the upset tummies lol
Ive found both products on e bay for a decent price, so can buy today and try next weekend, so long as the volcanic ash does not dissolve my Alfred ha ha
Given your time limitations, I think the Werkstat acrylic products would be ideal - the first major detail with them will take 3-4 hours, but from then on for the next six months or so you'll only need to spend a couple of hours a month topping up the finish (in addition to normal washing). Full details on this link...

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