Replacement key query


Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Darlington North East
I think i may dread the answer to this but here goes... I only have 1 key for my car, I dont have the key codes (if you need them that is) is it a case of going to the car locksmith with my v5, getting a spare cut cheaply, or is it 1 that has to reprogrammed at a trip to the moon price? has anyone bought an audi key off ebay and been able to reprogram it? or are these a 1 hit only program keys and then useless for other audi cars. mines a 2002 a4
if you want to do it yourself you need to get your immobiliser code using a certain program (i wont mention as im not sure im allowed) which will probably cost you around £60

then you need to buy a key, which you will need to make sure is the same frequency as your existing one, and then re-program the key.

it can be done, but i decided to go back to audi and part with £155 all in for one as i couldnt be ***** with the long diy route.
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