Centre armrest help


Registered User
Jan 1, 2007
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Hi all,
As the title suggests i need some help with fitting a centre armrest in a S4. I've brought a genuine armrest kit, could somebody point me in the right direction to find installation details and any advise from anyone that has done this already. I know i need to remove the centre consul but where are the screws/clips to undo to do this? Any help would be greatful,
Many thanks
You need to remove the rear cigarette lighter and you will see them. You'll need a socket set too
to take the centre console out you will need to take out the souround around the gear stick the front cigarette lighter. there are also some screws by the radio cage but if I remember rightly you get enough play at the back of the console to get to the bolts of the centre arm rest. There are some clips by the hand brake which you have to clip out and that will finally loosen it. Your best bet is to get the Haynes manual as that saves you a lot of time in the long run and worth the money.
You dont need to take the centre out at all ,
remove the rear ash tray and also the little cover by the handbrake where the velvet cover is in the cubby hole
there is a bolt hole here you can get with a socket 13mm
when the rear ash tray is out everything is clear to see the main armrest is held with one 13mm headed nut and it bolts to a bracket held in with 3 nuts also 13mm heads ,
are you changing the armrest if so its 1 nut .
Hi guys,
Thanks for replying, im actually fitting an armrest.
IT s still straight forward i put one in a b7 a couple of months ago you just have to put the square in the right place where the leg goes through you can pretty much work it out when you have mounted the fixing tripod that goes in first ,
the hole only goes on the left hand side of the centre counsul and not right across and you can cut it with a sharp knife thats what i used anyway and no mess is made ,
it will all become clear when you start .
OK paul thanks very much, just out of interest is there a outline to cut to, on the underside of the counsul?
When you buy a new armrest there is a template in the box. You place this in the correct position and cut out a hole.
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