Key stuck in ignition barrel!

Mr K

Registered User
Jul 11, 2007
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Earlier at a mates house i turned my car off, went to remove the key but it wouldnt come out of the lock! i could turn the ignition back on but i couldnt start it. when it was locked into a position (i.e. ignition on) it can be twisted quite a bit without any effect. it seems to not be very 'positive' anymore.

eventually i was able to start it and turn it off again, and get the key out. its been fine since, except the key being a bit slack.

time for a new ignition barrel? or is something just a bit loose, or not likly to occur again?
sounds likely a barrel tbh & I suspect needs recoding for immo aswell given the barrel has the inductive coil for the key to start it, for peace of mind find another one mate or audi.
Sounds like the ignition barrel. Its a plastic part that cracks, its quite common. The part is quite cheap less than £20 I think from Audi.

Replacing it has nothing to do with the imobiliser. Get it done asap. When mine broke, the starter motor kept running and burnt out as well !

If you have a look on there is a good how to guide in the tech section
So there's no immo coil round the barrel then because thats how the chip is read to start the car, are you saying its seperate part from the barrel, I dont have elsawin up at moment so cant check.
think the receiver is in the clocks like VW's aren't they?
Yes, the receiver's in the instrument cluster on a facelift car.

The aerial (coil) however is around the ignition lock.
Ok, i will look into this plastic bit. hopefully thats all it is. if i remove the column shroud, will i be able to see the damage/wear?

can the column shroud be removed with the steering wheel in place?

if the imobiliser is in the dash pod, i assume that worst case of needing a new ignition barrel is relativly strait forward swap, without requiring any kind of coding etc by audi? just new key blades.
Thanks Siena I knew I wasnt talking complete ****** cause the inductive system wont work that far away so the coil must be right next to the key, as I dont have elsa up given sold laptop & new one not setup yet I couldnt be 100% definitive but knew coil was there, but they still have to check keys etc work with immo ok properly with diag, to be 100% sure all functional.

As always Siena very helpful & spot on knowledge.
Shouldn't need coding though even if the pickup coil is replaced should it ? As the pickup coil only transfers the signal back to the immo chip in the clocks?
No it shouldnt need coding given it doesnt hold the codes tbh, but whenever replacing barrel, coil etc anything with immo interaction I would always check the systems work fully & no errors showing, so yes you are correct to a degree mate.
i will have a look this weekend if i get a chance. see if i cant see the problem, ill keep y ou posted! lets hope this isnt anything too major! eeek!
Nick, if it's the housing that's bust, bear in mind, they're different between auto and manual versions.
Ok, will hopefully have a look at the weekend after ive done the cam belt!
thats brilliant! thanks for the link. as i said, if the cam belt all goes to plan and i have an hour spare i will take it appart and have a look.

still a bit worried though; everyone seems to be suffering from the swich getting stuck in the 'start position', where as mine wasnt stuck in any position in particular (i could rotate it from off, to ignition on, to start) but i couldnt withdraw it from the lock barrel.

again, thanks for the link!
No problem.

TBH I would order the part and fit it before you do the cambelt. Once it breaks it can leave you stranded and if your unlucky (as I was) it can jam your starter motor on and destroy that as well ! (Which is a pig of a job)

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