Price for a new clutch


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Feb 27, 2005
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Recently my clutch pedal snapped. After it was replaced, my local mechanic said that there appears to be a lot of resistance when pushing the clutch pedal down and he thinks the actual clutch may need replacing.

A local garage can do it for £300 but I phoned an Audi specialist who said it's a massive job on the Quattro model and is charging £500.

My question is, does anyone know if it's a lot harder to change on the quattro model and in which case, should I pay the extra £200 for peace of mind? Or is it like any other car?

i would have thought the only difference is that the quattro has a propshaft to contend with too... no major problem i wouldn't thought... are those prices with parts included or just labour ???... my pedal also snapped a while ago and i had to weld it up... the oem job looked pretty poor to be honest... but compared to other cars my pedal is quite heavy... dunno if thats the norm or not i'm sure others will post
its quite common and usually indicitative of your clutch going a VAG specialist told me. as for prices, not sure on just a straight forward quattro but i got a clutch flywheel slave cylinder clutch switch and change of gearbox oil for £735 from a indepedant VAG garage.
cheers guys, the audi specialist is Midland VW and better include parts. The local garage inc parts and labour. I'm considering going to Midland VW as have recently developed a haldex issue (i think) and cruise control has stopped working and a few other issues. I thought they might be connected and easier for one garage to sort out.
those prices seem quite good then if they include parts.. my dad was quoted £1200 by an Audi speacialist (not dealer) to do the clutch on an A4 quattro TDi which i just cant understand... considering doing it myself for him as i'm not averse to tackling big jobs
If your local garage are quoting £300 then I guess they have no idea how big a job it actually is on a Quattro! You can look at it one of two ways; 1 - You take their quote of £300 and let them suffer when they find out it's actually a 6-7 hour job, or 2 - You take it to a proper Audi specialist and pay a bit more for their knowledge of the car itself.

Option 1 has the potential to save you money but they may not realise that the wheels will need alignment and you could end up going through tyres at quite a rate. Option 2 means you should get a proper job done. I paid £650 for a clutch and slave cylinder replacement at a specialist so your quote of £500 is pretty fair. You need to budget for a possible flywheel replacement, but they won't be able to tell you if it's needed until the clutch is out.
Thanks. I do need wheels alignment as the steering wheel is slightly to the right when i'm going straight - is this connected? It's on the job sheet. Every component on the car is failing recently so if flywheel may need doing, it definately will need doing mon my car! Think i'll leave it with Midland VW for a week and then pay off the credit card over the next year! Thanks for the help guys
wicked i wanted to change my flywheel as my car had done 73,000 miles and thought may aswell do it with the clutch. Coincidence the place i got it done was midland VW aswell. Spoke to jody whos a good guy and knows his stuff. get it done there. mine was ready the same day!! tell him your from audi sport. net and he may sort a little discount.
Quoted book time for clutch change is 10 hours, but it can be done in 6-7 hours as mentioned above. I paid £225 labour for a clutch and gearbox change on my S3 with me supplying the parts to a clutch specialist, dropped it off 10ish in the morning and ready at 4.30 in the afternoon.
what is happening to the flywheels then ???? are they getting scored on worndown plates ???

There Dual Mass Meaning that they take the inital inertia out when the cluch is first applied, this is useualy done on the friction plate with some springs on it.
the reason they change em is because when they go, they shatter and all bits go flying round your gearbox..not good! so while the gear box is off its best practice just to get the thing changed instead of paying for the labour twice!
ahh right.... makes sense to me now then..... couldn't understand why you would want to change a flywheel.... bit of a weak spot it then?
Blimey - have I been ripped off then...?

I recently had a new clutch and dual mass fly wheel fitted to my S3 and paid a little under £900 at a local VW/Audi specialist. Took them the best part of a day and a half.

Dual Mass Flywheel.....£275.50
Clutch Kit.....£155.52
Slave and bearing gear.....£34.04

I wouldn't say ripped off as I've just paid slightly more for the same work. That was the cheapest price I could find in my area..some places were quoting £1100!!
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