2001 A4 T Quattro 1.8 Turbo


Registered User
Mar 19, 2008
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I"m currently driving this A4, being a new driver, i've chosen this engine cuz insurnace is cheaper. however, i'm looking for advice for some stage 1 process to upgrade my engine. Mine is 163bhp turbo.
an suggestions ?
163bhp+ new driver= leave it at that for a while.
You get it remapped to around 220bhp
It remaps to around 200BHP its the Ko3 I think. running before you walk springs to mind!?
Yep leave it at 163bhp for a while until u get used to driving. no point getting urself killed
thanks you guys mate. I neva drive audi before, used to drive BMW in HK. Feel great with the car, got the power, got the space in the back seat.
I"m new, so wanan know more about it. But one thing is what's the best remapping company or brand ? And will remap affect the orginal safty features and stuff?
Where are you from?

If you do a search you'll find all the info you need.
i'm from hong kong, currently studying at Kent.
Bdw, do u know how to post a pic for my profile ?
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