How difficult could it be to run for Government


Registered User
Dec 22, 2004
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Cheshire, UK
For a while now there has been a real increase in the number of posts ranting about the Government, about how useless they are and we seem to be powerlkess to do anything about it.

This got me thinking, exactly how difficult could it be to start your own political party to challenge these muppets, and to do something about the state of this country?

What would we need? What would our policies be? How would be be different from the other 3 main political parties?

There are a lot of intelligent people on this and other forums, so come on, tell us, what would you do and how do we do it?
For a start off I wouldn't be so free and easy with other peoples money (THE TAX PAYERS)these ********* are supposed to be the custodians of this country and as such treat the citizens with respect and do their best for us spending wisely.Instead they MPs of all persuasions seem to treat the public with contempt and continually feather their own nests.Using ridiculous rules ****** up by themselves to line their own pockets and their families.
Was watching the news last night MPs are allowed £10,000 for a new kitchen, £2500 for home audio systems the list of allowances these people have goes on and on, funded for by my hard earned tax money really boils the **** sometimes.
I would love the option to vote for "none of the above" (eg Brewsters Millions) so i could register my vote without having to pick one of the parties i don't think will do a good job.
I would make it compulsory to sit a test to be able to vote. You should be able to answer questions about key areas of each political party manifesto (which would have to be written differently) to prove that you were an informed voter and not just voting for them because that's who your great grandad voted for in 1907.
thing is there are too many voters who are either claiming benifits or just milking all they can. Always seems to be middle Britain that gets hit the hardest.

As for young mums don`t get me started I know they need help but there are the ones who use it to get freebies.

strange how anyone can have kids but not everyone can adopt a child ??????
I could have real fun with this. I'm scared I might lose rather a large portition of my life if I actually sat down to think about it properly though.

I can see where Lottie was going with a few of her points, but I can also see that some of those issues can be a bit more complicated too. The 'single mums' one as an example - there would need to be some way to ratify claims - I'm sure you (Lottie) wouldn't prevent a genuine case from getting a rough deal. Lets say a really nice lass becomes besotted with a chap, they get pregnant, she has the baby and he runs off with the girl next door. That's a long way from simply getting pregnant in order to score the council house. I would definitely wish to adress the issue though.

I think means testing for folks on benefits is a good idea in the majority of cases; yes there would be exceptions to this. If they are clearly disabled and unable to work/pay for themselves, and have been diagnosed as so, then by all means lets sidestep the means testing; however for all those with more unusual problems then means testing (but done sensibly is the way); I guess the majority of those who would object to it (like I say, if carried out simply and sensibly), are those who would be found out as fraudsters.

I don't think I would completely close our borders, but I would streamline the whole system, removing the hundreds of different methods and loopholes which allow access to people who shouldn't be here; and by that I basically mean criminals. I'm quite prepared to let anyone else come here and have a fair try at making a life if that's what they want to do. If they make it, fair play - the very best of luck to them. If they don't, see above.

The other big three on my list of interests would be the NHS, the Judicial system, and Education. These seem to have money simply thrown at them in the hope that it'll solve the problem. I wish someone would realise that after so many years of doing this with almost nil results, this is pretty unlikely to happen. I think the biggest problem with all of these systems is the amount of red tape the people working within them have to deal with. Having worked in a local government office for a while I was shocked to see how much pointless paper-pushing and wasting of resources is done. The whole lot needs to be completely streamlined.

Anyway, I'll not ramble on any longer as I'll probably start babbling out my own manifesto and I don't think there's any need for that. We'll just say it'd be a mixture of liberalism and common sense.

Any questions email No, only joking

One final note - I do feel that the transport system needs a MASSIVE workout too. I don't think Lottie's idea of subsidising petrol at the cost of diesel drivers is so hot though. Firstly, it's not very realistic, but also, speaking as someone who has a petrol car and a diesel car - I've got to say I prefer driving my turbodiseasel nine times out of ten. I know there are arguments for petrol vehicles delivering more thrills, but I guess that only comes down to how big a diesel you are comparing it to. I honestly think that a lot of folks who do the most diesel-bashing are those who perhaps haven't really driven them for any length of time. I know I used to be completely anti-diesel until I'd driven one for a while and now, as I say, I prefer it most of the time!


Politicians...........get them all to feck.

Give us a good dictator who can hang paedos, murderers, rapists, chop off the fingers of theives and the hands of housebreakers.

Open the borders to those we need and close the doors to all the EU spongers.

Give every yob a two strikes an your doing National service ruling.

Send every home grown terrorist back to the country where they claim to be fighting for along with their immediatte famiily and sell off their homes and businesses to help finance a peacefull law abiding society that punishes the criminals severely.

and make diesel free, until I can afford an B7 S4
nearly forgot.. Bring back a police force who can give those who need it a good clip round the ear and those who really need it a mighty good kicking.

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