Car park, high kerb, wheel, crunch....&%$@!!#!


Registered User
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Sussex, UK
Hi All,

Managed to miss seeing a high kerb in one of those nice poorly lit car parks yesterday.... Royal Victoria Place, T. Wells if anyone knows it... Anyway was going nice and slow but still manged to leave nice scuffs about half the way round the outside of my once shiney s-line rim....****! Only had the car 2 weeks as well...

Does anyone know any good refurbishers in the South East (Sussex/Kent). Ideally someone who is mobile and could do it on site would be good as I ideally don't want to have the spare on whilst it goes away for repair... I will probably do it again, but it bugs me having scuffed up wheels...

Anyone got a spare A3 S-line 18" wheel going, please PM me.
Try Lepsons, they're in Gillingham but are mobile. Very good.
Wicked Wheels in Crawley are a good bunch of people. Also provide a mobile service.
Spit and Polish, just outside of Tunbridge Wells
Another vote for Lepsons, Gillingham - had a couple of wheels refurbed by them recently and they look factory fresh! Decent buch down there.

Pricey at ~£90/wheel but definitely worth it IMO. If you can take the wheels of the car them the wheels only then it's about £60/wheel AFAIR.

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