De-Badged Photoshop

marriedblonde said:
Really? I doubt most women would be able to tell, oh hang on thats not a good example, I doubt most people that arent interested in cars wouldn't be able to tell...

absolutely, and if they aren't interested, it doesn't matter
A4Quattro said:
Not all diesels have downturned pipes now matey

fair point - Though I didnt say that all diesels have downturned pipes did I?

The point I was making was that I've debadged my A3 and previous cars not to hide anything about the model designation, but because I prefer it that way
Ive taken the badge off my 335 and it does look much cleaner. However as been said I think all the badges make it look bare, plus also people will assume you have a low spec model!!!, I get away withit on the BMW, beacuse the two hoofing great exhaust pipes

Keeps the rings and remove the rest, if you are going to do anything
mine debadged - looks much better i think and even better in person!

yeah, actually on that colour it looks pretty fresh... maybe its colour dependant?? (In my head!)
I prefer the de-badged look, although I could be biased (fully de-badged mine - and no, it wasn't to hide the fact that it's a puny 1.8 non-turbo).

I just laugh when I see badges that don't belong - I was sitting in traffic the other day next to a mk4 Golf with a '16v' badge from a Saxo VTS stuck to its ****. Nuff said...
I agree, depends, with chrome badging it looks better, but the old silver coloured stuff looks much better off. I have all the badges off my 1992 civic off, apart from the Honda badge
But on the Audi it looks much better with them left on.


Just to clear things up... This is the car... without my "artistic licence":

I think it really is colour dependent. White looks really good, and the dark metallic blue (which shows it doesn't have to be a solid colour). Think red debadged would look good too (maybe even my odd yellow colour?)

I'm on the fence about the four rings - like it de-badged sometimes, others not.

And once you've removed the rear wiper, does your back window get filthy? I can barely keep it clean on my Sportback...
A4Quattro said:
where is that pic in your sig boydie?

Lol I wish it was in Ireland - I can't remember the name of the mountain anymore but its a ski resort in canada

something foot mountain lol found while doing some research and thought it was class - quite big for the sig i think so i think i will have to shrink it a bit!
thats it lol good work I should have just looked at the properties of the pic - doh!!

I know what your saying, Looks good but i dont get why you would remove a rear wiper for cosmetic reasons and have a set of mud flaps that spoil all the hard work!
Shades said:
Just to clear things up... This is the car... without my "artistic licence":

Hey Shades, still looks excellent, nice of you to pop into the 8P forum! Thanks buddy, and your artistic license is fine with me..
N8KOW said:
Fair enough, most people aren't understanding that I'm not trying to hide anything, its just for cosmetic reasons..

I understood and I wholeheartedly agree.

I was trying to reinforce the point that others made about adding spurious badges that scream '****!'
Boydie said:
thats it lol good work I should have just looked at the properties of the pic - doh!!

Looks great, I'm definately going to the US or Canada skiing next season
I am considering it also - I am a pure Alps man but my GF has been to the US and her bro worked in Killington and they say its a must! Also, I spoke to a pro boarder in morzine and he was say the snow is totally unreal!
I'm de-badging my lava one this morning so i'll post before and after pics.
Boydie said:
I am considering it also - I am a pure Alps man but my GF has been to the US and her bro worked in Killington and they say its a must! Also, I spoke to a pro boarder in morzine and he was say the snow is totally unreal!

I've been to Banff twice now, the skiing at Lake Louise is just incredible Norquay and Sunshine are also very good! Oh and no massive queues for the lifts either You won't be paying £45 for 4 coffees and 4 baguettes for lunch either......
looks good debadged waas thinkign abotu doing mine now i think i will for deffo seeing all the pictres
I cant decide whether to take my badges off apart from the Audi rings. Worried it might not look right as wont look standard looking anymore, dont want it to look fiddled with
Hi Matt, do a photoshop. It doesn't look "tampered" with imo. Putting wheels/lowering/tints is looking tampered with. Not de-badgeing imo Matt
Yeah just think it might look odd on an otherwise standard car. Had it done on a previous modified car I had and it looked good but if the rest of the car hadn't been modified I dont think it would of worked somehow?!
N8KOW said:
Looks like we're a minority Kev, most people don't like it!

yeah well i debadged me old cars and always looks smoother and sweeter ..

did the plate take off and badge changed on me old BMW and it looked sweet.

Will get pics up of me car soon and get it debadged....
I forgot to take a "before" shot because i am a dickhead.

but here is the after (what a miserable day)

I prefer it now it has a smoother tailgate.

I understand debadging won't turn it into looking like something else.
because even the illeducated could tell it was a TDi from the engine sound and exhaust pipes.

I used heat gun and floss then boiling water and a credit/membership card, then autoglym tar remover and then mer polish to perfect it.
Dont think I'll bother. Makes it look more like a base model somehow?

Seems to look alot better on the Sportback
Matt said:
I cant decide whether to take my badges off apart from the Audi rings. Worried it might not look right as wont look standard looking anymore, dont want it to look fiddled with
N8KOW said:
Hi Matt, do a photoshop.

Hi Matt, if you've got one you can post a high quality pic of your rear end (the cars, not yours!) and I'll debadge it for you so you can see what it looks like!

Incidentally, apart from the rings, my A4 has been debadged and it looks good. At the end of the day most people, apart from the terminally stupid, can tell what car is what without the aid of a little badge on the back and does it really matter what is hiding away under the bonnet? Does anyone sitting behind you even really care whats under your bonnet?

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