Keep getting orange iron fallout spots


Active Member
Dec 31, 2021
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Is it normal to get orange spots all the time? I’ve used iron out a few times when washing but didn’t know I’d need it every wash! It’s my first white car so obviously it just shows easier. I don’t live or park near a train track, is this just what happens on white cars?
Hi Jason,

Rust coloured spots, it may sound a bit way out, could it be honey bee poo ? I say that as right now my bees are foraging around and leaving their calling cards on everything, cars, laundry, windows etc small orangey coloured spots which wash out easily. Maybe that's what you are seeing.

I was getting orange like stains on my car and i initially thought somebody had been grinding steel/welds nearby, but the stain was sort of orange colour Tar and soft so i have just accepted it is brake dust, but honestly have no idea.
Was also surprised when I first washed the white car after winter. I was like wtf is the new car rusting but soon found out it was flying rust stuck on the paintwork. It all came off when I used iron removal. Of course that's been the same with my all previous cars too, but as they were greyish the spots didn't show like they did on white car. I thought that would be more of a problem in here, since most Finns use spiked winter tyres (which I hate) and I thought it's the spikes that cause the flying rust.

White and black cars are indeed painful to maintain clean. After winter you need double wash to really get all the dirt off. Grey was so much more forgiving, though funny to know afterwards how dirty they still were when they looked quite clean.
I think it is iron fallout as it doesn’t rub off with finger and goes purple when I use iron out. I just didn’t know I’d get them so often? Is that just the way of life on white cars? As I don’t want to use iron out during every wash? As it’s quite harsh isn’t it
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