Audi UK Complaint - advice please


New Member
Jan 5, 2024
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Hi guys,

Would like some advice here.
My car -AUDI a5 2018 has an error code- P187C00 related to the gearbox.
The error first came in March and disappeared afterwards and Audi told me to drive to wait for it to happen again.
It then happened again in Oct, one day before my previous warranty expired.
I took my car to Audi Center A (far from me) for repair and was told need to replace the gear shifter, even though I highly doubted this was the true reason. The reason being the AFT /gear oil level was told to be low which should not be the case as I did a gear oil change in Sep. But the manager also admitted that the gear shifter is the most unlikely reason for this error. But they refused to strip down the gearbox to check the real reason and were saying that they have such a machine to scan it through.

Anyway, they proceeded with the repair by replacing the gear shifter and my warranty provider covered all.

But the error came back again after 5 days, during which period I took my wife and baby to England. I shouldn't have risked it if I knew they didn't fix it.
Now I took the car to Audi Center B, which is near my home, and Audi Center B said I will be responsible for the potential cost. How should I raise the complaint to let Audi Center A to cover the cost?

Many thanks
You need to distinguish between the original car warranty and Audi main dealers. Main dealers, wherever they are based will claim back any repair costs from Audi, so there’s a standard procedure to follow. Audi Centre B don’t know you or indeed the history of repair work to date so I can understand their standoff approach, although I don’t agree with it, but don’t be dissuaded.

The important thing here is that there’s documented history. You raised the issue with Audi Centre A within the warranty period and they have basically fobbed you off with a sub-standard repair that didn’t fix the original issue.

For Audi Centre B to undertake the work they are going to go through their own diagnosis, which will mean scanning the car plus any time to investigate, so you’re probably £250 in already before they do anything.

Assuming the car was Approved Used with a standard 1 year warranty, then I’d contact either the original dealer to explain the fault has reoccurred And can they help. If they play hardball, then contact Audi UK customer services and raise the issue with them and get them to intervene.

I’ve been in a similar position with Volkswagen and a DasWelt Auto warranty on a Polo daily driver that I’ve since sold. To be fair, in my case the original dealer accepted responsibility and authorised the repair work and the dealer near me did the work. Put things in writing, include copies of the repair work and importantly don’t lose you cool. The fact they’ve got you jumping through hoops - they just hope you authorise and pay for the repair yourself.

Hopefully Audi do the right thing. The scan is important as it will reveal more information on the fault, when it’s happened, how often, and potentially there’s some other codes too.
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