Intermittent Gearbox Knocking Sound


Registered User
Dec 26, 2019
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Hi Everyone,

Could anyone perhaps offer any clues regarding what may be causing this issue with my car that has developed since I had the front discs and pads replaced a couple of weeks ago.

The gearbox on my 56 plate 2.0 TDI S Line (170) has developed an intermittent knocking sound that also involves heavy vibration and judder if I apply power to the car. I got the car on a lift today and when the chap rotated the driver side wheel the noise was also evident coming from the gear box. Selecting 1st gear today from start was also a bit tough at one time today. When I pressed the brakes as I was moving the knocking sound went away. Too strange a problem for me to decipher.


what have you checked so far?
CV joints inner and outer?
Gearbox mount?
is it only under load and all gears?
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Hi Charlie, I'll be honest, I haven't done anything but I did note today the knocking did occurr as I drove up a steep hill when I needed to increase power while I was in third gear and then it occurred a short while later while I was going throught the gears from 3rd to 5th which I had to pull into a layby and brake. I continued at a slow speed and the issue didn't really resurface again. I think the problem only appears when the car is under load and/or being requested to accelerate.

Looks like a visit to to my mechanic tomorrow.


Hi Everyone,

I've visited my mechanic and discussed the issue in the best of detail I could provide and gave an account of the symptoms and how they come and go etc and even though I did not have the opportunity to get the car on the lift, the concensus is that it could be the drive shaft.

I've got the car booked in for an inspection while U wait on Friday morning at 08:00, so all will be revealed, I hope.


Any update, outcome? Seem to get the same symptoms under load acceleration noticable from 3rd gear and higher
I've just replaced a gearbox mount in a TDI

The rubber was beginning to separate from the mount

Worth getting underneath and having a look
Reactions: DaveW23
Good Morning, Well, I visited my mechanic last Friday and the car was taken up on the lift for a visual inspection of the wheels, drive shafts and gearbox etc and was given the all clear but to keep monitoring. I didn't feel completely assurred or comfortable about this but I agreed to go along with the course of action.

During the week the issue continued with the intermittant rotational knocking noise appearing at random times that can be somehwat nullified when pressing the brake pedal. Worryingly, a dink developed when pressing the brake pedal, not all of the time but most of the time now.

I called into my mechanic on Thursday and informed him of this development and we agreed for me to call in yesterday and take him for a ride in the car so he could monitor the symptoms. Fortunately, when we were out yesterday, the dink on the brake pedal was audible and evenutally the rotational knocking sound became apparant, not as loud as it sometimes does but enough for it to be identifiable as an issue.

On returning to his garage he jacked up the car and took off the right wheel and tightened up a few nuts and gave that side the all clear and did the same on the near side wheel.

He then pointed out to me what was causing the issue and it was a loose/ill fitting (near side) brake pad that he fitted on the 3rd of April when he serviced the car and replaced the front discs and pads on bothe sides. This is going to be fixed as warranty replacement on Thursday.

Since the wheels have been put back on and he tightened up a few nuts/bolts the car has appeared to steer a little better and I feel he has eliminated a slight issue with the steering and eradicated a very slight slight sound that I was also keeping an ear on around the drivers side wheel area.

All being well, on Thursday, the problem will be cured.

Kind Regards,

Reactions: Gmac and tr7
Front brake pads (near and off side) replaced while I waited yesterday, afterwards, no dink on the brake pedal and no further loose part noise that can eliminated dampened/eliminated when pressing on the pedal.

I went out today and the problem returned.

I have let my mechanic know but he can't fit me in until Wednesday PM,

In the meantime, I called into a well known brake repair specialist, told them my story and they indicated it could be the calipers but they needed the car for a couple of hours for the brakes to be inspected and then if necessary, call in parts if required. They said the brake test was free but I pay for the parts + labour.

Looks like the calipers have given up (both sides?), which doesn't feel right to me.

To be continued.

Kind Regards,

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Hi Everyone, I am finally able to advise that the knocking sound was eliminated by replacing both of the drive shafts with new units. The dinking sound has now developed into two dinks which have been identified as worn front o/s suspension arms that require replacing; I am planning to do this during the MOT in a few weeks time.

This does not mean my car is running smoothly again as my car has a troublesome judder that I need to sort (thanks tr7) and I reversed in to a tree last Sunday and I now require a replacement boot lid that which I am going to make a new post about asap.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
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