Acceleration jolt/thud sensation


Sep 8, 2022
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Hi, so on acceleration I would be keeping the foot down, shifting up manually then just before I’m about to take my foot off the gas, a strong jolt or thud sensation can be felt through what seems to be from the front wheels. Like I’ve run over a large stone or cats eye or something and the alloys took the force and sent that feeling through the car (though I hadn’t gone over anything) That is the best way I can describe it. It’s happened 3-4 times since I got the car on Tuesday. I know I shouldn’t floor it now but it’s hard not to. Oil is up to temp and it doesn’t happen every time. Only on certain pulls while showing a couple of mates.
would anyone know what it may be or have experienced this aswell?
Wheelhop? I had it today, we have wet and cold roads (it's 2/3c in here) and I had the right wheel wheelhopping as I am still on summer tires.

This is why I prefer buying a brand new car with no previous owners. Just got it less than a week ago and is thrashing it ***.
I've not experianced this but ill try to recreate it. What kind of speed & rmp are you ' just about to take your foot off the gas'?
You can under certain conditions when the traction is limited (like wet/leaves/pot holes etc) get noises like this as the drivetrain jolts around, front 'axle' tramp on front wheel drive cars can make horrible noises
This is why I prefer buying a brand new car with no previous owners. Just got it less than a week ago and is thrashing it ***.

Must admit I’ve bought 2 ex demos before and after I drove the demo 8Y on a test drive, it hit home the abuse those cars will have had prior to me buying!

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