Footwell Light Upgrade


Registered User
Mar 3, 2011
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I gave the footwell lights in my S3 a bit of an upgrade. I found the stock ones are a bit dim and not surprising when you see how tiny the LED is inside the housing. Got some upgrade units from AliExpress for around £14 all in, arrived in around 2 weeks. The colour match with the other ambient lighting in the car is good.

You need to open up the existing LED module to swap the LED unit out, but its super easy to do. Lever the side which has one clip on it and the white top will pop off. The LED unit will just slide out and assembly is the reverse.

Only fitted them today so can't comment on longevity just yet.

Stock LED on the far left.

NO difference ... why would insatll crazy bright dazzling white? Why not nice ambient blue or red.. ?
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