Oh dear lord! RS3 is for Gangsta’s!!

No but 'Has been's' is. I can't believe I actually watched the whole video.
At least no one has 'liked' the original post haha..........Yet.........

We need a cringe button instead.
I felt embarrassed for them.
Even if it were a spoof, deeply embarrassing and horrible viewing.
Reactions: Bristle Hound and pburv
We need a cringe button instead.
I felt embarrassed for them.
Even if it were a spoof, deeply embarrassing and horrible viewing.
Yeah my thoughts exactly.......The Yoof of today? lol
Reactions: NevMan
oh god, really? What exactly happened?
Not too interesting, they followed the wife after seeing her on her way to work. With balaclavas on they forced her out of the car, and make off. As they were part of Bradford Dingers (car theft gang) and sent videos to each other of the theft! After getter caught for further burglaries, phone seized and vids watched! 18 months each, a very sad tale of misspent youth, and after looking at their families they never stood a chance!
@richard2761 - Very sorry to hear that. I hope your wife is ok now
I would have given 'em 18 years TBH
18 months *** !
Reactions: Pinky1959
@richard2761 - Very sorry to hear that. I hope your wife is ok now
I would have given 'em 18 years TBH
18 months *** !
People who stole mine years back had murdered someone the week before carjacking someone.

For murder, burglary, arson and theft they got... 8 years. I kid you not.
Reactions: NevMan

**** take of a sentence.
People who stole mine years back had murdered someone the week before carjacking someone.

For murder, burglary, arson and theft they got... 8 years. I kid you not.

And another **** take of a sentence.
People who stole mine years back had murdered someone the week before carjacking someone.

For murder, burglary, arson and theft they got... 8 years. I kid you not.

That is where the UK could learn from US. They don’t mess about with sentencing. Yes they have other issues like gun crime, but they don’t dish out the soft slap on wrist and weak sentences we do

That's horrible. Hope your wife is ok now?

But 18 months for a car jacking and other burglaries, is an absolute joke. This is why they keep doing it. They know they'll get a lenient sentence at worst. Be out in half of that, and back out on the streets causing misery to home owners and car owners.

Yet somehow they go through life and get away with it all. You always hope Karma will get them in the end, but it never does. They get their benefits money (that we pay for) and when they get old, they'll get free care, while the rest of us who work, and work hard get to see all our savings dwindle, to pay for our care and theirs.

And then you get the worst kind of burglar. I used to see a lass many years ago who came from the not so nice part of town. You then get to hear things from people on the street. One or two guys renowned for burglaries in the area, used to target homes at this time of year, where they knew those homes had children in. Why? So they could rob them of the presents, so they could give them to their kids.

When you're stood listening to people brag like that, and watch as others laugh about it, it takes a lot to bite ones tongue. Needless (thankfully) to say, that relationship didn't last that long.

Her family and friends didn't like me much, all because I had my own home, owned my own car, didn't smoke, take drugs, or get sh*t faced on Vodka every night, and that had the sheer audacity to have a job. Apparently I thought I was better than everyone else. In this circumstance, I didn't think that at all. I already knew it !!

Certainly an eye opener though.
Reactions: Scottkcollins, Bryant1998, sve170 and 4 others
People who stole mine years back had murdered someone the week before carjacking someone.

For murder, burglary, arson and theft they got... 8 years. I kid you not.

That's a joke too. As already said, we should be more like America with our sentencing. And the 3 strikes and you're out rule should be applied too.
Reactions: Bristle Hound, sve170 and NevMan
Pretty well sums up the face of the UK of today.

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Reactions: Bristle Hound

Upgraded quite a bit from their A6 Saloon lol. Some video this as well...portrays Brits in such a positive light These are the sort of clowns they show on the news and you wonder why we get it tight ha
They look intelligent too, cutting off a tag. Oops i guess that's back to prison.

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Reactions: FBF01
18 months, what a joke. Should be 10 years for hijacking

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People who stole mine years back had murdered someone the week before carjacking someone.

For murder, burglary, arson and theft they got... 8 years. I kid you not.

Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
Reactions: NevMan
Double WTF; murder should be life with a minimum of 25 years served imho.


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I looked them up a few months back and they’d already been let out, however, one of them was back inside for firearm offences! Why they bother...just hang them and be done with it.
Reactions: 5pot4banger, sve170, NevMan and 3 others
I looked them up a few months back and they’d already been let out, however, one of them was back inside for firearm offences! Why they bother...just hang them and be done with it.

Well said

The UK is totally f**ked up when it comes to crime. Murderers, rapists getting silly sentences then back on the streets to carry on with what they do.
Too many do-gooders defending the scumbags, about time the Courts started really punishing offenders.

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Reactions: 5pot4banger and NevMan
Ahhh you couldn't imagine some of the lads in Australia that own rs3's. Lots of em in their 20's cashed up from their drugs and they drive like they stole it every time they get in and offload it after 3 years for a new one. See them in some heavy hardware like c63's and m4's as well.

Problem is the way they drive causes this..


Crashed into a tree and killed his 20 y/o (gf?) passenger in his rs3.. and he was only 21. Definitely not mature enough like the ones in that video to drive a car like this but money talks. For sure if I had just turned 20 I'd have given my left nut for an rs3 so probably a little hypocritical of me to judge
I finally plucked up the courage to watch the video, at 1st I thought it was a parody but noooo. Time to sell the RS3, S3, Sq’s chaps, may be a bulk order of Volvo’s to distance yourselves.
This bit of fun these chaps are having really had ruffled some feathers on here
Reactions: savo and Walternate
I got my S4 at Age 20 brand new and worked damn hard for it ! . I agree there is a lot of dirty money through crime which criminals Flaunt with fast cars. But the justice system in this country is rubbish so nothing will change.
This video is the greatest thing I ever saw. Especially mad lad here with a kids gun from the pound shop

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