What is this noise!? Worrying engine bay noise


Registered User
Jun 18, 2018
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Hi all

So I have a very annoying and worrying noise coming from my engine bay. I’ve attached a video as it’s a hard noise to try and explain! It’s almost like a pumping (wob wob wob) sound. Please turn volume up to hear it best as the noise of the engine may wash the sound out.

I get this noise when driving or if I rev at idle. However, the noise changes when I turn the air con on, then it goes back to this noise when I turn the air con back off...

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the air con compressor, however, the noise occurs even with the air con off. It only happens on acceleration/when the car is moving? I’ve tried rolling at 15 mph, where I took it out of gear, took foot off accelerator pedal, engaged/disengaged clutch just to see if there is any change in noise but it still does it.

In the video I’m stationery while holding the revs around 2000-2500 RPM. If I sit at idle it won’t make the noise unless I rev. The noise changes with revs if that means anything?

I’d appreciate any help as always!

Is this the same as you other post or a new issue?

If it’s part of the same, load your video there.
This is a different issue.

This noise occurs whether the air con is on or off. Even when pressing the ECON button this noise is still there.

I’ve been getting this noise for quite a while now but it’s definitely getting louder/worse.
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