Birthday presents!


Audi A6 C6 2.0tdi 2011 Sline Special Edition
Dec 22, 2017
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Hello people

I'm turning 30 soon and I'm getting bugged by everyone for gift ideas and I'm really struggling so I thought I'd ask..

What did you get for your 30th birthday?

Answers on a postcard..
Reactions: Sandra
I got a Tag watch and flying lesson.
Reactions: AudiSpy, NevMan, Ghost and 1 other person

@Sandra .. cough .. your 30th birthday was that long ago, how can you possibly remember what you had! Hehe

It surely wasn’t that long ago.

I don’t remember my 30th bday, tbh.
It was too close to my wedding in August so all focused on that.

Sean, once you’ve crossed that threshold, you buy your self a present with their money.
Unless that’s what my wife does on our wedding anniversary

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Reactions: Ghost
That is also a plan mate get cash off them all but every time i have done that in the past it's dwindled away on crap!
Reactions: KrisKrk
What sport do you enjoy watching?

I like to go and watch live sport when I can, so for one birthday I enjoyed a weekend at Silverstone to watch F1
Hello people

I'm turning 30 soon and I'm getting bugged by everyone for gift ideas and I'm really struggling so I thought I'd ask..

What did you get for your 30th birthday?

Answers on a postcard..

Slippers and a bad back
Reactions: voorhees, Sandra and Ghost
@Ghost barely get time to look in the mirror now days mate! Went to Silverstone last year myself for the btcc, was my first time and a great day out so worth a thought. Good suggestion!

@Tj 0785 theyre both off my bucket list! Coming up to 12 months now after having a slipped disc sorted out! And the grey hairs been flourishing for a few years too!
Reactions: Sandra and Ghost
@Sandra .. cough .. your 30th birthday was that long ago, how can you possibly remember what you had! Hehe

I must look for the ban button @Ghost you just so funny, I think I’m younger than you, lol. x

Bet the flying lesson was cool! You done any more since?
Yes was cool but kinda scary at the same time Sean. I did a second one but it wasn’t for me lol. It was a fantastic experience x

Reactions: Seanchadwick2k3 and Ghost
@Sandra I can only imagine, I think I'd bottle it.

@iLikefishing birthdays and drinking go hand in hand although 2 cans for me and I'm anyone's! Can't handle it any more!
Reactions: iLikefishing and Sandra
I think I got one of those new-fangled CD players to add to my gramophone.

Reactions: voorhees, Ghost and Seanchadwick2k3
Me and motorbikes don't get along! I need at least 3 wheels or I'll end up brown bread mate!

I was considering a watch, I've never really owned a nice watch, I'd probably still check my phone for the time!

Thinking about maybe a tattoo but I'm not sure yet. I hate decisions!
Reactions: Sandra
I got a tattoo for my 16th birthday and regretted it by 16 1/2 taste changes with time and 16 years later notice if I should get it removed or covered but with what? And will I want that covered a few years later?
when I got it done and as I was walking out I noticed a little sign on the door

“A cheap tattoo ain’t good and a good tattoo ain’t cheap “. Ain’t that true!
Reactions: Ghost and Seanchadwick2k3
Don't think of a watch, especially a high-end mechanical one, as just a device for telling the time. Think of it as jewellery and a fine piece of engineering.
Reactions: Ghost and Seanchadwick2k3
@Tj 0785 too true mate I had a cheap one done in Turkey when I was 17 and cost me about 70 quid and I want rid now. Just had a full sleeve done last year by someone who is really good, wasn't cheap but it's on you for life so not worth scrimping on. Lesson learned!

@jdp1962 I have admired them many times but just never really considered buying one. Think I might have a browse a bit later.

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