
Tj 0785

Well-Known Member
VCDS Map User
May 31, 2014
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Is photobucket back to normal I seen a thread on r32oc saying it gone back to how it use to be
Don't count your chickens... It won't be exactly the same ..

Sounds a wee bit better than 399 dollars though
Chancers, trying to hold mugs to ransom
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Reactions: S3JACKSON
To be fair, you could be a real pain if you have a photobucket account, there are data protection laws where you pay a small fee and can demand a hard copy on any content related to your account. Not sure if that includes the US but imagine it the had you print 2000 photos and post them to you on't

I did this with the hospital to get my notes for a tenner, and they photocopied 800 A4 sheets put all my xrays, ct scans, mri scans and a progam to view them in 3D and copies of operation photos. (Nasty)
Reactions: Rainbird
I did this with the hospital to get my notes for a tenner, and they photocopied 800 A4 sheets put all my xrays, ct scans, mri scans and a progam to view them in 3D and copies of operation photos.

That would explain why our NHS is millions in debt,spending their budget producing your firelighters!
I have a copy if you want to see them. They were actually for a legal battle if you really want to see them. Our NHS is a mess because they make mistakes and end up having to look after someone for 3 years after giving them hospital infections, leading to 25 operations, expensive plastic surgery kidney failure critical care and pyshio all because a junior doctor didn't know how to put a cast on properly as it was a weekend. And too think the car insurance paid me compensation for the extra damage the NHS did, rather than the hospital. I'm sure the hospital are happy with scanning some notes...

Another example is my daughter was diagnosed with IBS and put onto a special diet. This made her constipated to the point she was hospitalised, when in Bedford hospital the scanned her noted inflamed ovaries with cysts, the gynie consultant said the cysts are nothing to worry about and the swelling is probably ovulation. When the weekend came the registrar asked for another scan and said the ovary is dead and the other one is probably dying too. They operated that night, in the morning I spoke to them and they said. They removed a cyst but there was no need to operate the cysts are nothing to worry about and the swelling was ovulation. They said that "overreacted". ( exactly what the consultant asked them not to do)
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