I need help identifying a strange noise inside my car


Registered User
Apr 11, 2017
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Hi Guys,

This has been happening for quite a while now but over the last 2 days it's been almost non-stop. It gets a lot worse when driving over uneven surfaces or going over dips or bumps in the road. I originally thought it was coming from the drivers side vent, but now I think it might be electrical? Maybe in the steering wheel/rack?

I'm not a very car savvy person so any thoughts or ideas would be great... Even if it's something just to say to a mechanic. And I'm also still under warranty for 3 months. If I were to take this to an Audi dealership, should they be able to sort it for me for minimal/no cost?

Thanks for any help!

(Sorry for the shaky footage - I had a friend reach over from behind me)
Can’t really help about the source of the noise, but if that vehicle were mine I’d get it to a garage ASAP.
Doesn’t sound healthy at all.
Not my intention to cause panic, but you need that sorted.
Can’t really help about the source of the noise, but if that vehicle were mine I’d get it to a garage ASAP.
Doesn’t sound healthy at all.
Not my intention to cause panic, but you need that sorted.
I think you're right! Hopefully it's nothing too serious. I spoke to my nearest dealership and I'm popping in tomorrow before work! Hopefully the warranty covers it
It sounds like a faulty electrical relay 'chattering'. The comfort & convenience module resides under the dash down there, it has loads of relay switches on it.
Good luck getting that sorted. Post probably needs moved to the 8V forum, they may know more about this issue.
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