Lines missing on my central display on 01Y RS4


Registered User
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
This annoying thing atarted intermitently on start up and happends most days now. The funny thing is, though, it "heals up" aftert he car has been running for some time. I wondered if it was temperature-related, so played a hair dryer around the area for about 10 mins but to no avail... I'm told it need a whole new dash, which then needs to be recoded, as the immobiliser is involved! Has anybody got any tips/better news?
sorry but you've been told right. These things are prone to "fading", some get better when the car is warm though. The only solution is to get another dash pack
I've noticed it happening intermittenly on mine as well but it seems to happen only during colder climates. There's no lines missing, only an extra line striking through the "OK" (or radio station). When it gets warmer it heals itself.
This is happening on my A6 as well. Do I need to replace the DIS cluster or the whole instrument cluster
Mine has this some days too, noticed it shortly after buying the car, only now do I know its a common fault.
Mine also seems to get better as the car warms up, it used to irritate the hell out of me , but if it gets bad I just turn the display off so it doesn't nark me any

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