Keep your Dash cam footage guys!


Registered User
Oct 6, 2014
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OK I can't go into great detail here, but on Wednesday a driver of another vehicle passed me in a dangerous manner in a built up area, then further up the road slammed his brakes on infront of me whilst doing 40mph. All this was recorded by my DC, a mate of mine said that you can now upload dash cam footage to your local Police force! I had a quick look and Cheshire Police have a website for it (I suppose other do as well!)

Looking at the form it's dead easy to use

I uploaded it last night, this morning they contacted me and said that they want to pursue the driver for dangerous driving and would I be willing to make a full statement and go to court if necessary. At first I thought Hmmm do I want to get that involved, but then I thought it's because of idiots like this that all of us are paying more each year for our insurance, so agreed to help them! We need to get the idiots off the road to make them safer for all of us
Reactions: jaypers777, cemerson, 4K and 13 others
Fair play mate, I’d do the same...
Reactions: S32B
Claim expenses , the 5 Star hotel , Dom Perignon..
Reactions: amit87, davc, S32B and 1 other person
Seems not all police forces are doing this, yours is one of the minority. It’s becoming more common but it’s a slow-roll out and I always take a copy of things that happen on my dash cam if I think someone’s driving is either wreckless or dangerous. Usually people cutting me up or overtaking someone like a lunatic etc.
Reactions: S32B
The slow roll out by some forces is because the reality is it’s a drain on resources for what is relatively minor and in the majority of cases will only ever result in a warning letter
Reactions: richinsoton and 4K
This started with North Wales police I think, all Welsh forces are doing the same, which is great because South Wales police are **** at doing anything for themselves
Reactions: davc
The slow roll out by some forces is because the reality is it’s a drain on resources for what is relatively minor and in the majority of cases will only ever result in a warning letter
I agree it can be a drain on resources for some minor things, but this idiot in question almost caused two accidents in rush hour in the space of 30 seconds! I'd love to post the video so you could see how bad it could have ended up, but I'm not allowed

I recently saw an add for my local Police force who were after volunteers to drive Police officers from A-B allowing them to spend more time doing work rather than driving! A story on it here: Maybe they have something like this set up for the dash cam side of things...volunteers filter out the minor/major ones?!?

Anyway, I've just had an update

I do feel a bit guilty, but then if it makes him think twice before doing it next time, it could potentially save a life or someone from serious injury!!!
Reactions: BarryG79, James.B8, TDI-line and 1 other person
They should divert resources away from bootface and twatter and do some proper old fashion policing, rather than getting Joe Public to do their jobs for them.
Whilst I can understand the point , I personally do not agree with vigilantism. A dash cam gives a very one dimensional view of a situation.
The other point will be insurance companies will start demanding them .
Reactions: richinsoton
Sorry but this ****** me off, if we all start uploading dashcam footage then before long we will be 30mph morons with no driving enjoyment left.


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Reactions: Zak0123, richinsoton, lucaslfc and 5 others
Whilst I can understand the point , I personally do not agree with vigilantism. A dash cam gives a very one dimensional view of a situation.
The other point will be insurance companies will start demanding them .
One dimensional view? Eh?
If someone is driving like a complete d!ck then they are driving like a complete d!ck. There’s nothing one dimensional about that.

I say send it to the police, and I hope the tw@t gets done for it.
Reactions: S32B
Sorry but this ****** me off, if we all start uploading dashcam footage then before long we will be 30mph morons with no driving enjoyment left.


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Then let’s hope that none of your loved ones are ever involved in a serious accident caused by d!cks like this then.
Reactions: KenL, testcard and S32B
I don't see how this different to reporting any other crime, if your driving is dangerous enough that you could be putting lives at risk then what the OP has done is fair. It's up to the police now to see if the footage is liable to any prosecution and the "dangerous" driver will have his say if they decide there is enough evidence against him/her.
Reactions: S32B and KenL

Too many people are too ignorant of the fallout from dangerous driving, until they are affected by it.

I couldn’t give a t@ss about the criticism coming my way, I just know that they’d soon change thier minds if thier kids/brothers/sisters or parents were victims of idiot drivers.
Reactions: S32B and KenL
I do feel a bit guilty, but then if it makes him think twice before doing it next time, it could potentially save a life or someone from serious injury!!!

Would you feel guilty if he had smashed head on into one of your family or friends? No, thought not.

Do not feel guilty about shopping kn@bheads who drive like absolute tw@ts, they deserve everything coming to them.

Well done.
Reactions: S32B
It's a tough one, as OP suggested it sounds like the encounter he had was truly classed as dangerous driving. Where do you draw the line, will people start reporting you for doing slightly quicker than you? For example, my dash-cam has a GPS speed and if I'm doing at 30 on the dot and someone goes faster and overtakes does that make them liable for breaking the speed limit? Would people report that? In essence ... they could. What if you approached traffic lights and went through on amber as they were changing and someone behind had a dashcam and reported you for it. I do agree with the sense that it can be very 'one view-point on a situation' but it's whether you trust other people around you and whether people will forgive eachother for a mistake or not.

I reckon it could become a huge issue in the future, people getting fines and points for literally whatever someone else captures, even possibly minor mistakes which technically 'break the highway code'.
Reactions: Phutters, richinsoton, Terminator x and 1 other person
God knows what kind of petty things people will start uploading though. Like the YouTube bad driving videos, half of them I just consider normal day to day driving.

I've spent 7 hours driving today and had a couple of occasions on motorways where vehicles next to me enter my lane suddenly and cause me to react quickly. That's dangerous, but consider it normal. Alot of videos are cars entering roundabouts when they shouldn't, but sometimes we just make bad decisions.
Reactions: Phutters, richinsoton, Terminator x and 1 other person
Fair enough, but if the police want to peruse it then clearly he/she was driving persistently dangerously. There’s a difference between the odd mess up and persistent dangerous driving.
Reactions: S32B
Mate I get that 100% but a trained monkey can tell the difference between the odd bit of sh!t driving compared to persistent dangerous driving.

Getting in the wrong lane at a roundabout is completely different to speeding in a built up area and then slamming your brakes on for no good reason. It isn’t rocket science.
Reactions: S32B
Yeah of course sometimes there are plain obvious dangerous driving videos, ie brake checks.

Just makes me wonder if everyone is going to go and post utter rubbish and waste police time with it.

As for the one dimensional thing and how cams don't show everything. Imagine...

Driver A was going 60 mph in lane 3 of motorway for no apparent reason.
Driver B was stuck behind driver A but wanting to get past.
Driver C was in the middle lane going similar speed to A.
Lane 1 was clear.

Driver B gets fed up, goes into lane 1 to undertake both cars and returns to lane 3 at 80 mph .

Driver A had the dash cam and all you would see is driver B flying past from the left. But you wouldn't see A and C using the wrong lanes and going unnecessarily slow.

Just a quick example.
I can see the advantage of this system for sure, but yeah... I'd be a bit concerned about it too.
Reactions: richinsoton, Beery, James 123 and 1 other person
But this particular case was clear cut. The other driver was speeding in a residential area and slammed on his brakes for no good reason. That to me = d!ckhead.
Reactions: KenL and oli356
Sorry but this ****** me off, if we all start uploading dashcam footage then before long we will be 30mph morons with no driving enjoyment left.


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You didn’t see what this idiot was doing in a built up area on a public road in rush hour! Are you saying it’s fine to drive like an idiot and put other innocent people in danger as long as you are enjoying yourself??? That is one selfish attitude if you are!!!

Would you still have the same opinion if nothing had been done and a few week later I was posting a news article of how the same driver I’d seen had caused an accident and killed someone, or had run a child over and killed it as it crossed the road, knowing that it may have been avoided by him getting a slap on the wrists???

If you were in a pub and saw someone drinking 6 pints and then get in a car and reverse into yours and drive off, would you also ignore that and say he was just enjoying himself so I’ll do nothing???

Old saying “Prevention is better than cure!”

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Reactions: Ormesome, KenL and Carefree69
How about you upload this footage and let us all see if it was as bad as you say?
personally I wouldn’t want to get involved with something like this. However if say for example someone sends in a dashcam clip of an overtake where there’s no traffic about and they get in trouble for that. That’s taking the p****.
Reactions: richinsoton and oli356
Get the real idiots locked up .

Reactions: richinsoton, Tom.H, oli356 and 1 other person
Well yeah but dash cam or not I'm sure the police would want to speak to that driver! That was ridiculous...
Get the real idiots locked up .

See that the other day, shocking driving - he couldn't even make it around the corner at the speed he was going! He was caught though after running away.

On that logic you’d have to ban instantly everyone that goes above the speed limit because speed could kill and a driver you film going at 35 in a 30 in front this week, might not stop in time to avoid hitting a child next week! Your scenario is pretty dramatic to justify you having a bad driving experience that we all come across, and you now wanting to have your day. I have no doubt you experienced pretty bad driving but where do you want this to go? Where’s your redlines for submitting your grievances?

No doubt prevention is better than the cure, but as this gradually becomes acceptably justified by using these extreme scenarios, then it won’t be long until every video of relatively minor matter or a driver feeling (perhaps wrongly) aggrieved is uploaded for checking. Do you really think PC Plod is going to be able to take that driver off the road or warn them in such a short time period - it’ll be months if they can do anything if at all. But you’ll feel better about yourself knowing that one day submitting hundreds of incidents to the police that you’ll get a bad driver off the road?! How is one experience worse than another, or do you just submit everything to Plod, and she/he is now inundated looking through minor alleged offences to spot the credible?

It’s easy to spot that clown in the Bentley, and because there’s been a accident then it’s rightly looked at but on non-incidents Dash cam footage it can easily be a one sided view without circumstance and there’s no guidance to it.
I’m not for sticking up for idiot drivers but dash cam vigilantes is a worrying development if not measured correctly from the start, rather than trying to cure the mess later.
Reactions: richinsoton, Terminator x, oli356 and 1 other person
Sorry but this ****** me off, if we all start uploading dashcam footage then before long we will be 30mph morons with no driving enjoyment left.


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If you are in a 30mph zone I expect everyone to be a moron!
Reactions: AllanG
Then let’s hope that none of your loved ones are ever involved in a serious accident caused by d!cks like this then.
I'm sure that all of us perform manoeuvres that the Police could do us for, dashcam footage sent to them is a sh*tty thing to do imho.


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Reactions: richinsoton and lucaslfc
Where I live if you drive at 30 in a 30 zone you get tailgated haha. It’s guaranteed.

Same here. Although, I actually do drive at the limit, well speedo says 30 so it's actually about 28Mph according to the GPS but even so some people want to do national speed limit everywhere. Built up or not, it's getting ridiculous but because I'm only 21 y/o I'd rather have 0 points and keep my insurance as low as possible than risk getting 3 points or more and the insurance doubling.
Reactions: richinsoton, AllanG, S32B and 1 other person
How about you upload this footage and let us all see if it was as bad as you say?
Like I said previously, I'd love to post the video so you could see it, but I'm not allowed I think the fact that I posted it on Thursday night and they contacted me wanting to chase him on Friday morning and by Friday afternoon the paperwork was on its way gives an indication of how bad it was! And I think they are far better qualified than any of us to deem if it was bad or not!

Yes I agree we all see people doing 35 in a 30 and no I wouldn't submit that, but I do believe if I'm in a 30 I do 30, not only for the safety of others but also my safety! If a person walks out and you hit them and kill them doing 30 in a 30 it's an accident, if you are doing 40 in a 30 its not as straight cut! What I saw was a lot worse than the normal everyday idiot driver who you just pass off with a "Look at that d!ck", it was bad enough for me to report it, I know I have done the right thing and I can live with that. If by reporting him it stops him from injuring someone in the future then that's a win, if it takes them too long to get him and he injures someone before that time then that is sad, but at least my conscience would be clear knowing that I have done the right thing at the time rather than thinking "I wonder if I could have stopped that by reporting him".

How is one experience worse than another, or do you just submit everything to Plod, and she/he is now inundated looking through minor alleged offences to spot the credible?
Like I have said if you saw the video you would understand and I'm sure you would agree that I did the right thing. And no I do not submit everything, that would just take up far too much of my time let alone Plods time. I have been driving for 30 years, so feel I'm able to judge the difference between a minor and a major incident I have seen.

Chris S 1245 said:
Where I live if you drive at 30 in a 30 zone you get tailgated haha. It’s guaranteed.
I recall a driver doing this to me years back I was doing 30 in a 30, I just set cruise to 30 and sat there, he got that annoyed he overtook me! Further up the road Mr.Traffic cop was there with a speed camera Yes he'd been pulled over if I had allowed him to push me over 30 by his driving up my a$$ then it would have been me that would have had been pulled over and not him!!!

I'm sure that all of us perform manoeuvres that the Police could do us for, dashcam footage sent to them is a sh*tty thing to do imho.
Yes we have all done silly stuff over the years and I'm not making out I'm an angel that has never put my foot down or done anything wrong, but there is a time and place for everything! In a built up area with a lot of potential risks around you have to be safe!!! Maybe I'm just getting old and now see the potential dangers that I didn't see when I was young?!?!

This can go back and forth forever with different views and opinions, I know have done the right thing so I can live with it
Reactions: MaffewEM and Chris S 1245
In a faster car is much easier to exceed the limit because it’s just a faster car. So maybe you end up at 40 in a 30 zone very very quickly for example.

You would of course slow down as soon as you see that.

I wouldn’t want someone with a dash cam to be reported to the police for that. It’s not driving like a lunatic.

Or what happens if someone is going super slow and you want to overtake? Maybe it’s not the best location but the road is clear. That’s another example.
Reactions: Chris S 1245
Exactly why I stick to 30 I’m too paranoid about police camera Vans . Any points on my license and I can say bye bye to my Audi S4 on order.
Reactions: AllanG and S32B
This is the kind of thing that happens when you get idiots doing "brake checks" at 60-100 mph:
I say submit all your dashcam recordings of dangerous driving. Let the police figure out which ones to pursue and which ones to ignore, that's their job. And I can guarantee you they're not going to waste their time going after someone doing 3 mph faster than you when you're going exactly the speed limit. Get the idiots off the roads with as many demerit points as possible, as soon as possible!
Reactions: S32B
Last night a mate said something that I'd never even thought of!!! "Maybe they passed you to see how many people were in the car, then slammed on hoping that you'd get out....then they would have jacked your car!!!"

For all we know the person I've reported could have done it numerous times and this is the first time the Police have actual video evidence, hence why they acted so fast!!!
Reactions: Chris S 1245
That’s a very valid point but don’t you think that your A5 is less on the scrote radar then an S3 ? I’d say your car is quite low risk to be honest.
I haven't purchased a dash cam because of the worry I'd be uploading minor offences to youtube on a daily basis and become a plastic traffic cop but this is far worse,yes dangerous driving should be reported but when does it become dangerous driving ? how much training have any of us had ?
Leave it to the police unless you witnessed a near miss
Reactions: richinsoton, lucaslfc and MaffewEM

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