theiving oiks, why would someone do this....

Charlie Farley

Chilling out.
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VCDS Map User
Jun 13, 2014
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Well not a good day frankly on the old bus front , parked the old bus in a normally trusted car park for an hour whilst I took the woofer out in the lovely sunshine, came back to find some thieving oik.....I do have other names but they cant be printed on here had pinched all 4 centre caps of my alloys.
Now pinching them is bad enough but I'd paid to get them painted to match my recently refurbed alloys in black chrome, so even more issed off .

Why would some one do that, it just beggers belief frankly.
Anyway had a chat with a few other users and it seems to be a regular thing in the area but was news to me, anyway no one saw the oik doing the deed so not much I can do now.

Luckily I had a spare set of centre caps not the same ones and a different colour but they will do for now.
Now then, if anyone see a set of black chrome finished centre caps either on a car or for sale can they drop me a line please, and if I find the person or persons that took them then they better pray as I take no prisoners on this sort of activity.
top pic is the ones that have been pinched , bottom pic what I have fitted as a temporary fix.

sorry to be so blunt but there is just no need for this sort of thing.


Reactions: Buxton2901
Hope you find the little mother pluckers mate. Nowt worse than someone who's steals people's hard earned things.
I feel for u

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Total scum! Nothing worse than having someone steel something you've worked hard for.

You mention this happens in your area, where about's are you located? (just to warn others in the same area)

Will keep an eye out for any being sold on ebay/forum/etc
Sorry to here about this they scum will take anything not nailed down .
Is there any cctv cameras in the area yoou could get access to in shops or offices which view where the car parks exits are you may be able to see someone carrying the caps but then again this may be a bad idea for them if you find who they are .! !
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