Facelift VCDS in Ayrshire or surrounding areas?


Kyalami RS3 Saloon
Dec 16, 2016
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Hi Guys

I have a few minor things I'm looking to be carried out through VCDS unfortunately everyone on the list for my area seems to unavailable anymore and inactive. I'm just putting this post up in the off chance that someone local/close who uses it and is not on the VCDS map could help me out.

Couple of things I'd like done:
  • Headlight Brightness
  • Alarm Chip on Lock/Unlock
  • Exhaust Valves Opened
  • G Force meter in Virtual Cockpit
That's it really. Willing to contribute towards your beer fund!! Also willing to travel into Glasgow City area/Braehead etc.

Kenny cancelled on me on the day I was supposed to go up, text him twice since with no reply so not going to pester the fella any more.

Airbus last seen on here today, but mailed him back in April to no reply. David Phillips last seen about 4 years ago! And I will message Stiffler now
I'm sure there is another one, I will take a quick look

Give Kenny a phone, he will def do for you.
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