Alloy help needed


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
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Spotted these lines on my alloys the other day, does anyone know what could of caused this and how to prevent it from getting worse?

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White worm, really common on diamond cut wheels, its where the moisture gets trapped under the laquer layer and starts corroding the metal surface, its a known issue with this finish, You can use wheel sealants but its nearly unavoidable, each year or so it will return unless you have them powder coated/painted.
Reactions: JamesGlober
Not entirely avoidable but you can prolong the life by a good margin by using a ceramic based coating after a fresh refurb. Stuff isn't cheap but still cheaper than getting them done over and over.
Reactions: JamesGlober
Is this someone I could take the car to Audi to sort? I'm not sure how the warranty works, is it so many miles of an age thing?

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general wear and tear i would reckon, as soon as a stone chips it this finish starts to white worm ,whether it be 10 miles or 1000.
Unlikely but if they do cover it, recutting and coating will cost them allot so will be a 'good will gesture' rather than warrenty imo.
Best option if you dont want to fork out every year to refinish them, is to have them powder coated silver and grey as paint doesnt white worm lots of people chose this option
Reactions: feva and JamesGlober

Okay, cool! Thanks for the help!

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Take it to Audi as ask. I got two wheels replaced due to defect on my diamond cut rotors and they where not as bad as them wheels.

Also got one wheel on my 2015 Black edition plus replaced due to paint defect also
Reactions: Meemo
Take it to Audi as ask. I got two wheels replaced due to defect on my diamond cut rotors and they where not as bad as them wheels.

Also got one wheel on my 2015 Black edition plus replaced due to paint defect also

Yeh I'll try it, if not I'll just save up to get them powder coated or buy some!


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