Sad news...

What a great outcome, awesome to see a murder charge rather than a manslaughter charge.

If that article is correct, they were looking for a car to sell for £2,000 - that chaps life to them was worth £2,000! The guy had a fairly decently paid job, obviously though as his convictions show, he's better off the streets. Let's just hope the kids that he's leaving behind grow up to not be like their dad.

Hopefully the victims wife/family can sleep a bit easier now, no sentence will bring him back of course but it's so much better than it could have been.
Reactions: lfcrule1972, davc, Audi Bairn and 2 others
On another note also, they should torture them into naming the other 2 men that were involved. Bit of water boarding maybe.
Reactions: GW1, 45bvtc, Audi Bairn and 3 others
The sentences are probably as much as could be hoped for so some sort of justice.
Sadly it'll not bring the poor victim back to his loving family.
Also these rats will sadly get out again at some point to continue their life unlike their innocent victim.
RIP Mike Samwell, a fellow Audi owner.
Reactions: AudiNutta, GW1, azibux1 and 4 others
Well put mate.

Saw their ugly mugs on the news last night. It's frightening to think this is what one could be up against in the middle of the night.

A work colleague lives in that part of MCR, he says the amount of nice cars broken into is fairly high in that area.

He got up one morning and up and down the road most of the car boots and doors were wide open.

On another note also, they should torture them into naming the other 2 men that were involved. Bit of water boarding maybe.
I prefer Clyde Shelton's methods in Law Abiding Citizen lol.
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Reactions: GW1, Jassyo06, Ghostneo and 2 others
Wait until they get to play “let’s hide the Soap” or “prison leapfrog in the showers” they will within a week have butts the size of a wizards sleeves
Reactions: Audi Bairn

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