Just bought my first Audi and have a few questions


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Apr 11, 2017
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Saturday is the day I join the Audi club! I've just paid my deposit for a 2015 A3, 2.0 TDI Sport with about 8.5k on the clock. Really looking forward to picking it up, it's a nice upgrade to the Corsa I've been driving around for the last 4 years!

Safe to say I'm already obsessed with getting the most out of it. The trim level as is, is already pretty high but there a few bits missing.

So I've been looking around and there are a few things I'd like to get in as soon as I can.

Priority order as follows:
  • Cruise Control -- (£350 + VAT)
  • Rear View Camera (Rear parking sensors already in place) -- (£695 + VAT)
  • Autolights -- (£395 + VAT)
I've been on a few sites looking to price things up and I think that the above prices may be a bit over the standard prices elsewhere, but they were the first I found while posting this. (HazzyDayz)

I've never had a car "upgraded" before, and I certainly wouldn't have a clue on where to start doing it myself. But I'd love to know where the most recommended places are places you guys have taken your cars to as well, and if there's any flexibility in their prices at all? I don't want to sound cheap, but buying this car has pretty much drained my savings for a while! But if saving is the way to go, then that's fine too! I'm located in the North-West (Cheshire) and am happy to travel a reasonable distance!

Any help or advice you guys could give me would be great!

Also - This has just popped into my mind - Would upgrades like this affect Warranty or Insurance?

Glad to be joining your community
Reactions: Audi Bairn
Hi and welcome to the forums I'm not wanting to put a downer on your purchase, but at £1,728 all in for the things above, would it not have been a better option just to get a newer/higher spec car in the first place?
Welcome to the club! Im in the same predicament as you as i bought my 1.6tdi Sport last year and would like some extras fitted. Recently was told of this company. Not sure if they are in your area but their modifications will have you opening your wallet instantly! Shoot them an email, they might reply. Iv sent them 3 asking for prices but no reply yet. Also, @DJAlix mentioned that he will be starting retrofits soon so might be good to drop him a PM.

Reactions: DJAlix
Just waiting on my VW RSA Security Key to arrive and current VW account to be upgraded
Hi and welcome to the forums I'm not wanting to put a downer on your purchase, but at £1,728 all in for the things above, would it not have been a better option just to get a newer/higher spec car in the first place?

I did consider looking at similar cars with a better spec, but the deal I got on this made everything else look outrageous. It was cheaper and of a higher spec than almost everything else around. I could pay the full £1700 and still have saved money. To be honest, the only thing I want right now is cruise control. The others I'm happy to wait for as I don't really need them.
Thanks a lot! I'll check them out now!
I know someone who could help if you wanted...they are based near Gatwick however!

He has done several retrofits to his Q7 from Night Vision to Power Soft Door close etc - if you want to get in touch let me know and I'll pass you his details
I have standard cruise control (as part of comfort pack) To be honest I have hardly ever used it. You can really only ever use it on a quiet motorway, and they are pretty rare. If you do a lot of driving on those, then it may be a nice feature, but otherwise I wouldn't bother.
I do wish I had specced ACC, which is much more useful I believe. But that is a lot to retrofit - needs a front camera and inerface to brakes etc.
Reactions: DJAlix
It took me a year to even realise my Corsa had Cruise Control so I know I can live without it, but I'll be honest, ever since then I've used it almost every time I've gotten into my car. I find it really useful, probably because I've gotten into the habit of using it, especially when you're talking about driving down 5 miles of motorway with average speed cameras and needing to stick to 50! And speeding isn't a habit of mine, but when you've got police behind you, it nice to just stick it on 30 to be safe. Peace of mind if nothing else!

What's an ACC? Sorry

Adaptive Cruise Control.
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