Sourcing and replacing exterior B Pillar Plate


Registered User
Jun 1, 2016
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Hey everyone,

Storm Doris has claimed some damage on my car! I'm sure that i'm luckier than most but the wind caught my door when opening which whipped it into the wall next to me. Luckily there was a deep window sill which the door hit rather than the bare brick work but it is cracked the cover on the B Pillar.

I cant seem to be able to find this part online anywhere, other than speaking to Audi does anyone have any pointers where to look?

Removal and fitting appears to be simple but again if anyone has any advice i would be happy to hear.
The only information i have found is this -

Thanks in advance.
Is it the black door exterior trim? So have a led, but would like to replace mine too

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Had the same trouble with mine some unscrupulous bxxxxxxxxx tried breaking in
Got the trim from my local trade part specialist
Wasn't very expensive
Also a tip there are a couple of fixings in the side you have to pull the window rubber towards you to get to them
Hope this helps a bit
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