Slight 'judder' in reverse with light acceleration and once in Drive.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2016
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On my Audi A4 B6 2.4 6V Automatic.
On a couple of occasions in last week I have noticed a judder when in Reverse and slight pressure on the accelerator.
Once on a hill, once on the flat.
Never when in Reverse and car moving under own power (no pedals).
Connected to this I also had one instance of this judder, on a separate occasion, when moving off in Drive with light acceleration.
Aside from this the car is driving beautifully.
I'm sure this means something but before I take it in...and suggestions?
also to add...On the few occasions it has happened it has been first thing when starting off from cold...wonder if that means anything...
and car has done 136k so you would have thought any of the cvt issues would have happened long ago...
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