Chipped calliper


Registered User
Nov 1, 2014
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Daft question maybe but I noticed the other day a chip on my brake calliper, looks like it's been touched up. Only time when wheels were off is pdi and when I've had it detailed so don't know when it's happened so no blame. Question is can it be repaired ie filled and painted as other panels?

You can have them removed and painted, brake caliper refurbs can turn round a job in a few days. They can offer any colour with heat resistance paint to safe on fading later on.
If you have not noticed it until now, then it must be pretty well hidden from view, yes? In which case (if it is just a chip and not a gouge that is near any of the fluid channels) clean off the touch up paint and fill it with some body filler and finish with a thin touch up paint... Unless you are really screaming around I should not think there will be enough heat build to affect the filler.
Reactions: Radman
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